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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

E.D. Question, if I can't see, can't hear, and can't feel, what good is an erection?

Asked by Adirondackwannabe (36713points) September 13th, 2013

Seriously if these ED drugs have these kind of side affects, what idiot would take them or want your s/o to take them. If I was a woman the idea of making love to a big drooling idiot would kind of kill the mood. Making love is so much more than getting it up and sticking it in. There’s the love and the communication and the intimacy. How about a drug to increase these emotions?

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28 Answers

Coloma's avatar

Ego. So many men over identify with their weenies. Seriously….my complaint at this time. I am so sick of 50 something guys that still have the sexual mentality of 19 year olds.
Anyone, male or female, that is still so sexually obsessed in their 50’s needs help.

Dear fucking god, there is so much more to life than erections! Don’t get me wrong, sex is great, but at 53 I am so sick of pervy older guys that still think sex is the end all and be all of the universe.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

I as a heterosexual male am always confused as to why a woman would have sex with any man. I have decided they have poor judgement, and if I I had the option, would take the goddamn pill as to not offer further evidence that men are kinda worthless. Take one for the team you bastard. There are so few straight men left. Eat the goddamn pill.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought LMAO, okay, the team takes first place. If a few of us don’t reproduce, there’s no hope for mankind.

Coloma's avatar

Reproduction is not the driving force these days, just base sexual release. lol
Shit…even if we hit zero population growth for the next 100 years there would still be too many weenies around. lolol

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Wow, this is going in interesting directions. New jelly’s feel free to jump in. We always like fresh meat. And if you new jelly’s take that seriously I’ll find someone to kneecap you.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma I don’t know how to answer that. You’re coming across too many assholes. Why do you think that is?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe You think it is is 1 for 1. Women only like 10% of us, and are quiet willing to share that 10%. Seriously, we have some impressing to do, b4 they learn how to clone on their own.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Most men don’t experience such awful side effects when taking the drug. Any drug you take has a long list of scary potential side effects, but if these affected most of the patients taking it, it wouldn’t be on the market.

In clinical trials, the most common side effect of Viagra was a headache, affecting 16% of participants, while 4% of the placebo group reported the same thing. Only 3% experienced any changes in vision. More serious side effects were only found in <2% of participants.

Not that I’m condoning Viagra. I wouldn’t want my husband to take it. I’d much rather refrain from sex.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Imadethisupwithnoforethought I don’t know. where’s the nearest monastery?

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Like I tell my male friends, because you orgasm every time does not mean you are good at sex.

Coloma's avatar


Because assholes are abundant, like stray cats. lol

LuckyGuy's avatar

Why healthy males would do it, I have no idea… But…
You need to be a fly on the wall in a prostate cancer support group session.

After surgery, half the guys are impotent. Surprise! One day everything is normal, the next, they look down and see a gherkin beneath their navel. Half are put on daily doses of cialis or Viagra to keep blood flowing to promote healing. Some guys are given Muse, a painful pellet they shove up their urethra. And if that didn’t make you wince, a few are prescribed an custom cocktail that get injected into the penis! I get woozy just thinking about it.
The erections seem more important for single guys who are dating. They feel it represents their manhood. Women who go through surgery do the same sort of thing – wigs, prosthetics, injectible hormones, etc.

If you have no problems then there is no reason to take “Vitamin V”. It will do nothing for a healthy guy – except maybe give him a little confidence.

By the way, one of the single guys (early 50s) was open and honest enough to tell us his ritual. When it is apparent he will be having sex, he lets her shower first. While in the shower he loads up his syringe. When she gets out of the shower, he goes in and secretly injects himself. The stuff works, and by the time he towels off he has a place to hang the towel.
He has 30 minutes to make love and feel “normal” again. I don’t begrudge him.
I’m getting woozy.

ucme's avatar

Somewhere to hang your towels?

LuckyGuy's avatar

Yep. He described it as wooded dowel. Like being 18 but without the stupid.

How much would someone have to pay you to stick a syringe into the side of your penis? He’s a better (or more desperate?) man than me.
I’m getting woozy again.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m just having my coffee and it hasn’t kicked in. I’m going to need some time for the needles in my penis to process.

livelaughlove21's avatar

ED medication can, in rare cases, cause a priapism (blood clot to the penis), and a doctor may have to insert a needle into the shaft to drain the blood in order to get the erection to go down. That’s why an erection lasting more than 4 hours is a big concern when taking Viagra.

Viagra and priapism humor.

rojo's avatar

@Coloma : Prediction – In 10 years you will be saying “I am so sick of 60 something guys that still have the sexual mentality of 19 year olds.”
@Adirondackwannabe Are you confusing assholes and weenies again?

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Now that the coffee is working…. Did you pass out yet? It is hard for me to wrap my head around the concept without shivering. I will never be an IV drug abuser.

@livelaughlove21 Supposedly the guys can dial in the duration they want. 30 minutes seems to be more than enough.

Too late to edit ^^^. “wooden” not “wooded”. Wooded leaves me with the image of trees in a forest.

Coloma's avatar

@rojo Oh, I know plenty of 60 somethings that are there now. That’s why Men-o-PAUSE is such a good place. lol

Coloma's avatar

Old dudes ought to take Viagra and hook up their weenies for tractor pulling contests or pulling submerged cars out of lakes or something useful. Harness that power gents!

ucme's avatar

Just as old women could use their tits as knee pads.

Coloma's avatar

@ucme Heh..touche!

LuckyGuy's avatar

In my “vast experience ” associating and working with guys that have been through the weiner mill, it is their T level not their ability to get a woody that influences their behavior and vitality.
A 70 year old guy with a good free Testosterone level will be much more enthusiastic about living, laughing, loving than a 40 year old who has been given a shot that knocks his T level to zero. The guys with normal to high T levels are “awake”. They smile! They are active and have a zest for life. Generally that corresponds with the affinity and appreciation of female companionship. The chemically castrated ones… not so much.

Be thankful this is FYI and does not apply to you.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Adirondack If you’re intimate kissing & touching, just let her do the work. Or are you not getting yours?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KNOWITALL Just a question brought about by an ad for one of these drugs. I was just wondering why someone would put up with the side affects. The headaches would be bad, but not seeing or hearing, etc?

Coloma's avatar

That deaf dumb and blind kid sure plays a mean…erection! lol

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Coloma I’d guess if touch and taste were the only 2 senses a person had they’d be pretty spectacular in that department. :-)

Coloma's avatar

@LuckyGuy LOL..true that. Hey, naked mole rats navigate pretty well being blind and deaf.
Root out that earthworm! haha

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