General Question

elbanditoroso's avatar

Recreational marijuana is legal in Colorado. Colorado has also been suffering from massive flooding because of copious rainfall. Do you think marijuana use is up or down because of the crisis?

Asked by elbanditoroso (33685points) September 14th, 2013

I’m thinking it is down, because of the rain and difficulty in lighting up.

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8 Answers

Coloma's avatar

A little rain never stopped anyone.
I’m sure the tokers have umbrellas. lol

syz's avatar

I don’t really see what the two have to do with each other. As an aside, pet marijuana toxicity cases are dramatically up in those areas in which it is legal.

DWW25921's avatar

Dude wait… what? Yeah, it’s like totally raining. Got any Doritos?

livelaughlove21's avatar

What @syz said. What does one have to do with the other?

marinelife's avatar

No relation.

deni's avatar

I don’t think there is a relation. Many of the dispensaries were closed Thursday and/or Friday just like a lot of other businesses. If anything people didn’t buy much of it those 2 days, but generally no one around here is running low anyhow. On Friday, everyone was drunk in the middle of the day. Very few people had work and not many people could drive so everyone walked to the bar, had nothing else to do, didn’t have to worry about driving, watched the news here and there, gawked at the footage, and thats about it. So if anything, alcohol usage has skyrocketed, probably not weed.

graynett's avatar

There is a relationship between Ice cream eaters and the amount of shark attacks here in Australia every summer ( think that the hot weather puts more people in the water also that ice cream tastes less nice in winter.

dabbler's avatar

I am Soooooo glad you didn’t ask whether the rian and flooding are due to increased public acceptance of marijuana use.

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