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LostInParadise's avatar

If Pat Robertson publicly retracted his gay ring remarks, could he have the YouTube video removed?

Asked by LostInParadise (32278points) September 15th, 2013

In case you missed the story, here it is. I tried to find a more objectively presented story, but could not find anything. Although I agree that what Robertson said is hateful and absurd, that is not what I want to discuss. What I want to know is this. In the unlikely event that Robertson publicly apologized for and retracted his statement, could he then have the YouTube video removed? In general, if a public figure retracts a statement, can he then force that statement from being published, unless the retraction is included?

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8 Answers

Seek's avatar


He might be able to do it as a copyright infringement issue, but he cannot censor YouTube because he doesn’t like the videos.

The kind of beautiful thing is that if he did try to have it removed for whatever reason, a kabillion people would mirror it on a thousand sites, and it would “the video Pat Robertson wants silenced”.

marinelife's avatar

No, he has no control over it.

filmfann's avatar

No, he can’t rid the Internet of his ignorance. His best move would be to just shut up.
In this internet age, people have learned that stuff put on here is permanent. Try as you might, you can’t remove your footprint from it.

DWW25921's avatar

Nope. Why would he? Look, there are people on both sides of the spectrum who are offensive to people. That’s part of what makes this country great!

Lightlyseared's avatar

Looks like he already tried and failed.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Once it’s there, it’s there… up on The Streisand Effect.

LostInParadise's avatar

Has Robertson actually said that his statement was incorrect. I can’t imagine him doing such a thing.

drhat77's avatar

I find it commendable that the blowhard is actually ashamed of something he said. There might be hope for him yet.

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