Do you have any anti-groupies here on Fluther?
(disclaimer) Some people will think it is all about them and thus get convicted and start quipping away adding themselves to the question, maybe.
Do you have any Flutheronians here that act as your anti-groupie? They don’t like your questions, they hate your comments, they believe your thinking and reasoning is whacked, but many, many questions you ask or comments you make on other member’s questions they are there, usually with some putdown or quip in an attempt to make you look like a fool, or worse. They are more than a detractor but akin to a fanatical anti-fan; do you have one on Fluther?
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72 Answers
I used to have about 4. Now I have one, well, that I’m aware of. Although if the person and I happen to answer on the same thread, then another always feels they should take the others side and agree, but then they normally pm me to apologise. I don’t mind. It’s life. I’ve mellowed, so I tend not have ‘anti-groupies’ anymore.
Well sure I do.
I also know that I am an anti-groupie myself.
I am the anti-fan of quite a few jellies, but I try to restrain myself from commenting- lol
Hmm…I’m not quite sure. Don’t think I’ve ever gotten on the bad side of anyone. There are some people I avoid a lot only because they say a lot of things that I deem offensive.
Yes. I recently encountered a professional troll. The comments he/she makes rarely make sense, aren’t thought out and border obnoxious. Because he/she has multiple accounts he/she seems to get a lot of “good answers” for sharing absolute nonsense.
Well sure. Right off the bat, some people won’t like me because I’m the manager. The mods and I have to make some unpopular decisions sometimes! Then there’s that whole “anti-authority” thing. But even beyond that, not everyone is going to like me or my opinions. That’s okay. :)
Probably, that’s okay though coz I play them like a fucking cheap fiddle.
To sum up…
It’s not necessary to lay a foul tongue on me my friend. I could get upset. Things could get out of hand. Then in self defense, I could do something to you that you would not like, right here. :)
@ucme . . . Well, you can trust in me ‘cause I’m the “Do-Right Man”.
It has happened from time to time.
I don’t mind much, except when it reminds me of middle school.
@Blondesjon Are you a cop? Or were you a cop? Or were you not good enough to remain on the force? Coz you know what? That’s the feeling i’m getting here.
@ucme . . . Granddaddy used to handle snakes in church, Granny drank strychnine. I guess you could say I had a leg up, genetically speaking.
@DWW Ask auggie but I think multiple accounts is against the rules.
Yes. That @cprevite guy fucking hates me.
@Blondesjon Every man… every man has to go through hell to reach paradise.
Most likely. I don’t care enough to notice.
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Shrug. I don’t know. I don’t think so. Who would bother?
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@ucme . . . I don’t know whether to look at you or read you.
@ucme . . . You look the same. Maybe 15 pounds heavier. But they say the average man gains a pound a year till he’s about… Come on. Gains a pound a year till he’s about 60. Me? I dropped a pound every year in my sentence.
@Blondesjon I am going to teach you the meaning of commitment. Fourteen years ago I was forced to make a commitment to an eight by nine cell, now you are going to be forced to make a commitment. You could say I’m here to save you.
@ucme . . . I’m Virgil and I’m guidin’ you through the gates of Hell. We are now in the Ninth Circle, the Circle of Traitors. Traitors to country! Traitors to fellow man! Traitors to GOD! You, sir, are charged with betrayin’ the principles of all three! Quote for me the American Bar Association’s Rules of Professional Conduct, Canon Seven.
I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that some jellies don’t like me, but I’m not sure if anyone cares enough about me to be an anti-fan as you describe.
I have a strong dislike of one or two jellies that is probably pretty clear at times if anyone was paying attention. But I think being an anti-fan involves caring more than I do.
Yeah, there are a few members who I dislike. I don’t know how many people don’t like me.
I think everyone likes me as I’m a shimmering beacon of wisdom and hope.
Sure, I do. But, when compared to my ‘ilk’ that uncritically obsesses over how awesome I am and supports my every breath, they’re small in number. :)~~
This is one of em threads that just begs for naming some people, innit? :p
I can think of two people, one long gone now and one that remains that do not like me. Based on me calling them out on their bad attitudes and assumptions once upon a time. Otherwise no, I am very easy to get along with, here and IRL but…from time to time I will call someone out on their bullshit.
Actually, come to think of it, there was a newer person today that copped an attitude with me, but I just humored them.
Meh….I may speak my mind but I don’t do drama, and especially not internet drama. Get a life! lol
You pretty much summed up the relationship between @Jaxk and I, at least on political/economic matters.
Great question, @Hypocrisy_Central Yes. Opinionated as I am, it’s inevitable. I even earned a cadre that adopted a common avatar in group protest of me. I feel quite honored to have achieved such a vehement anti-groupie standing.
I doubt it, but if I do, I really don’t care.
psst @ETpro… my husband (@blondesjon) was the first to switch to that avatar. that former user who used the Stuart Little avatar and my husband often discussed their love for that little mouse. I can assure you that he wasn’t thinking of you when he changed his avatar to Stuart. He was only thinking about that mouse and the nice lady who left us. just sayin’.
@jonsblond He was not one of the cadre. “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” Matthew 7:16.
Well..the emotionally stable types can have a bit of debate without going off the deep end forever. I have had a few mis-communications and disagreements/differences in perception/opinions with a few and we have worked it out and like each other.
It’s the freaking lunatics that make that sort of outcome impossible. lol
@Coloma I think it is people who falsely conflate disagreeing with them and insulting them that tend to get so easily bent out of shape.
@ETpro My biggest pet peeve, ASS-umptions, and then, when pointed out as such, the jackasses get jacked. lol
@Coloma No assumptions go unnoticed here on Fluther.
Or am I just assuming that?
I’m pretty certain that there a some Anti-Katniss people here.
Somehow I still manage to survive. lol
I know how awesome I am, isn’t that really all matters? ;0)
Btw, I’ll become an anti-groupie to anyone who asks.
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I don’t know, but I think I have some, probably because of my bad English and my stupid questions :)
@ETpro . . . Did it ever cross your mind that we all changed our avatars out of respect, not in protest?
I only bring this up because I’ve seen you toss this egotistical fallacy out on a thread more than once. For an atheist you have an incredibly healthy Christ complex.
I don’t believe it, @zenzen. Who could possibly not love you?
Nothing serious, I don’t think so. Not yet, at least.
On second thought… “I can think of two people, one long gone by now [...]”?! Very subtle, @Coloma ~
When I was a kid I used to love Auntie group hugs, Aunties are awesome.
Not mine, they smelled of money hence the hug-fest.
@Blondesjon As I told you before, “Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?” Matthew 7:16
@Symbeline This is one of em threads that just begs for naming some people, innit? :p
Let’s hope not. I also hope people read the no dirks, daggers, shanks, brass knuckles, bumper jacks, truncheons, firearms, or chemical weapons allowed sign before entering this thread.
Good thing I brought my trebuchet.
^ WHEW For a moment I was worried when I forgot to add a Klingon bat’leth to the list!
@Coloma Ecxept me, cuz I’m awesome.
^ I would have to get you patted down for weapons 1st! BAHAHAHAH BAHAHAHAH OK I was just kidding…....a little
@Symbeline I’m awesome too. I even said so myself in my earlier response! lol
Be warned, I raise bio-warfare geese, their projectile range is astounding.
And if you put a shitting goose in a trebuchet…
@Symbeline Hellz yeah! Our taste in music kicks ass too!!
There were times I suspected it, but I try not to take sites like these too seriously. Victory for me when this happens, because it means paradox hit someone’s nerve.
There may be some jellies out here that hate my questions and comments, but they don’t know me so to hell with them. I don’t let them spoil it for me here.
@Paradox25 Victory for me when this happens, because it means paradox hit someone’s nerve.
For me, I do not call it a victory for I was not out to twang a nerve purposely, but at least it is indication they are looking, even though they say they hate to look.
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