General Question

yankeetooter's avatar

Don't you get a really nice, warm feeling inside when things go right for a truly good person?

Asked by yankeetooter (9651points) September 16th, 2013

I mean, with all the unhappiness and injustice in the world, it is good to see that every once in a while someone who truly deserves it has one of their dreams come true.

I’ve been going through a rough time lately, but tonight my spirits were lifted while talking to someone who has been a great encouragement in my life. Imagine how happy I was to find out that he is going to be able to make something happen in his life that he has been wanting to do for a long time. It made me feel so good to know sometimes there is justice in this world…that those who show kindness to others sometimes do have things turn out right.

Sorry to ramble on, but this made my day (week? year?), and I just had to share.

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10 Answers

augustlan's avatar

I love it when good things happen to (or for) good people. It restores my faith in humanity.

Coloma's avatar

Everyone deserves to have their ship come in, and we should always be happy for others dreams come true and good fortune. Peoples true colors shine through when good things happen for those they know. When I had a stroke of good fortune some years ago a longtime friend was very jealous and begrudging, it eventually ruined our friendship and I let her go.

Others had no problem sincerely expressing how happy they were for me.
I feel the same about animals. I was just browsing/reading tonight about a famous horse in the 1950’s ” Snowball” that was, literally, taken off a slaughter truck and then went on to become a world champion jumper. He enjoyed 20 something more years of love and good care after being terribly abused and thrown away.

Made me cry and smile all at the same time.

ETpro's avatar

Sorry to hear you’ve been experiencing tough times. Same here, so you have my sincerest sympathies. And yes, of course, it warms my heart to be able to good for someone. I get the chance now and then. As a Web developer specializing in Yahoo! Stores, I sometimes get the chance to take a messed-up, do-it-yourself store that has great wares I know could really sell, but isn’t making any money because of the lousy look and feel, clumsy usability, and poor SEO and I can really take it up a notch. It’s great to hear from a client who has seen their sales shoot through the rough, particularly when I know they are good people and do their best to treat all those new customers right.

There was a great story tonight on the local news about a homeless man in Boston who found a backpack with $42,000 in cash and travelers checks, plus a passport. It was laying on the sidewalk, but when he saw what was in it, he did the right thing and turned it in to police. It’s possible to just be a cold-hearted prick, but it’s not honest to tell oneself that you might as well be a prick because everybody else is on too.

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

It is always a delight when someone who lives their good values and pro-social beliefs and they experience good fortune or something the brings them jot and satisfaction.

fightfightfight's avatar

Yes, especially if that person has long deserved it.

yankeetooter's avatar

He has been through some rough times in the past, and yet always treats others with kindness (including me). Often negative experiences affect one’s attitudes towards others, but with him that is not the case. I think he deserves to have this dream come true (sorry to sound “Disney-ish”).

ETpro's avatar

@yankeetooter Just an update on the homeless man who turned in the backpack full of money. The local community set up a fund to help him get back on his feet, and it’s already raised $24,000 in a day.

mattbrowne's avatar

I get a warm feeling knowing that there is less injustice in the world today than there was in the past.

ETpro's avatar

@mattbrowne The fund topped $64,000 today. He has a minimum wage job, so if he plays his cards right, he’s homeless no more. He actually ended up getting more than if he has stolen the $42,000 in the backpack. That really makes me feel good about my city.

Broken_EarthAngel's avatar

I think thats a wonderful thing, it always makes me feel great when I do a good deed for someone in need, there’s simply not enough good in this World, The kindness of people needs to be a lesson learned in life, pass it on.

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