Social Question

cheebdragon's avatar

If you could make or change any traffic laws, what would you choose?

Asked by cheebdragon (20703points) September 17th, 2013 from iPhone

Mine would be….

1. If there are cars behind you and no one in front of you, get the fuck out of the way.

2. Drivers in the HOV lane cannot drive the same speed as cars in the other lanes. (Otherwise you might as well be in the other lanes)

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31 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

@cheebdragon Your number 1 is a traffic rule in the left lane in America on the highways.

I like your number 2.

My law would be to make intersection cameras to catch people who run reds illegal. Those cameras do more harm than good.

cheebdragon's avatar

Really? Because every time I drive on the freeway I end up going around several people going slow in the carpool lane. I get that 65 is the speed limit, but when people in regular lanes are passing you, you have no buisness being in the HOV lane.

JLeslie's avatar

@cheebdragon I agreed with number 2. That should be a law. The left lane is not always an HOV lane, you are putting them together in your answer I think. The left lane is the passing lane no matter what anyway, whether it is HOV or not. No one is supposed to be cruising in the left lane ongoing. Of course, during high traffic times it might wind up that way, but it doesn’t change the fact that the left lane is the passing lane on an interstate.

ragingloli's avatar

Abolish all laws.

Pachy's avatar

Ban cell phone usage in moving vehicles except for emergencies, with incredibly tough penalties for breaking the law.

Ducking now to avoid getting hit by tomatoes or worse.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Most of those things are already laws. They’re just not enforced.

tom_g's avatar

Looking over at your passenger to provide eye contact during a conversation, first offense = loss of license for 2 years

Driving an intentionally-loud car or motorcycle = castration

Not using your turn signal, first offense = death penalty

Neodarwinian's avatar

The punishment for driving while intoxicated.


Sunny2's avatar

Weaving in and out of traffic at a high speed, cutting off drivers left and right. If it’s already a law, it isn’t being enforced as far as I can see.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Sunny2 On that same note, motorcycle riders (crotch rockets, not Harleys) often weave in and out of traffic on the Interstate wayyyyy over the speed limit. Not sure how they’re not getting busted.

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Same as you on emergency vehicles, people are horrible here about stopping and allowing them right of way. :(

Blackberry's avatar

Higher speed limits on the interstates and highways.

Dutchess_III's avatar

75 works for me.

Kropotkin's avatar

Cannot travel without at least one other passenger. (Except in emergencies.)

Must stop for hitch-hikers if space is available. (Except in emergencies.)

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kropotkin Hitch-hikers, you trying to get us all killed or what? :)

Kropotkin's avatar

@KNOWITALL Are the drivers that bad?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kropotkin Not the drivers, the hitch-hikers. Seriously though, it’s not encouraged to pick up anyone here. My area is where John Gotti came before he died to the FedMed Pen, and lots of meth-heads.

gondwanalon's avatar

Do away with stop signs. Drivers don’t stop at stop signs unless it’s absolutely necessary. If there is no appearent reason to come to a full and complete stop then drivers just blow through the stop signs at various rates of speed. Since drivers treat stop signs as if they are yield signs so why not change all the stop signs to yield signs?

ucme's avatar

Execute slow drivers, it’s the only way.

YARNLADY's avatar

Make cars that can’t go faster than the speed limit.

Make cars that either drive themselves (follow electronic signals) or with a driver compartment that is separate from the passenger compartment.

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

@KNOWITALL*On that same note, motorcycle riders (crotch rockets, not Harleys) often weave in and out of traffic on the Interstate wayyyyy over the speed limit. Not sure how they’re not getting busted.*
If it is in California than it is legal, especially in gridlock traffic.

I would amend the laws as such:
• Any stretch of road with a divider or a median that has a barrier, there shall be no speed limit if there are no other vehicles within 150 yards of you; especially between the hours of 1am and 4am.
• If you come to a stop sign and you have more than 70 yards visibility in both directions before you reach the intersection and there are no other vehicles there, you can drive through without having to stop just out of protocol.
• Anyone caught driving under the influence loses their license for life and are taken 30 miles out of town and have to push an old school Cadillac Sadandeville all the way back into town.
• Caught driving on a suspended license because of a DUI, you get 10,000 community service running a pedicab for the elderly at a large mall.
• Cars or motorcycles with excessive loud music have to do 3,000 hours community service cleaning public toilets at the parks and marinas.
• So long as there is no visible pollution your car need no SMOG certificate.
• When you buy a car from a lien sale, all fee attached to the previous owner is washed off the vehicle, you pay current registrations and fees, all past fees are the responsibility of the former owner.
• Any vehicle that was a gift pays only the transfer fee, owing no registration until renewal time.
• Minimum age to get a license would be raised to 20 years old.
• No on under 23 shall drive any vehicle with more than 110hp, with the exemption to those who 0–60 is greater than 14 seconds.
• Only children old enough to sit in the front seat count towards passenger count in the diamond commuter lane.
• Any I can’t remember but will think of after it is too late to edit.

chyna's avatar

I think it should be okay to shoot anyone that cuts me off.~

trailsillustrated's avatar

At busy intersection, those trying to make right turn cannot pull forward so that those trying to make left turn can’t see oncoming traffic.grrrrr

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

RPG launchers as optional equipment on all vehicles. Seriously, I had three people pull in front of me tonight in the first 2 miles.

DWW25921's avatar

I don’t think drunk drivers should ever be able to drive again.

Seek's avatar

Left turn on red. Seriously.

And all red lights must become flashing reds after midnight.

Gods, I’m tired of being stuck at red lights for 15–20 minutes in middle of the night.

JLeslie's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr Pinellas county has the longest red lights I have ever experienced. Parts of Virginia are a close second. I agree with the flashing reds for a lot of red lights after midnight. In Michigan left turn reds often go flashing when the neighboring (parrellel) lanes are still on the green. Also, in Michigan some of the one way city areas have left on red.

Seek's avatar

Oh! Also, bike lanes on ALL ROADS, and sidewalks/footpaths on at least one side of all roads in residential and commercial zones.

drhat77's avatar

@trailsillustrated the rest of the world (except @ucme) drive on the right side of the road. Justa reminder because it makes no sense to the yanks.
I’m fairly certain the Queen herself has forbidden @ucme from driving

ucme's avatar

@drhat77 You missed your medication then?

drhat77's avatar

@ucme – wait, what?

mattbrowne's avatar

Use the Australian roundabout rules for signaling in Germany.

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