[NSFW] Which product would you buy, one to eliminate camel toe, or one to create camel toe?
[NSFW] (disclaimer) This is not a question of if a woman should or should not display camel toe, or her worth as a woman, or not, because she does. Nor is this question about if camel toe is attractive or not. If you would buy neither of the products THIS IS NOT A QUESTION FOR YOU
When it is said you can find anything on the Net, whoever said it was not kidding. Searching for something else I came across come ads for products to either eliminate the condition of camel toe or even create it. Now I would have never bet there was a product to create camel toe, but there is; so there must be a market for it. The ad was from Asia so I do not know the name or which Asian country they sell in. What could be extrapolated from the visual part of the ad was that it appeared to be a gel form women wear under their panties to create the illusion of camel toe. One of the ads in English I remember was named ”Smooth Groove”, and it was more like an athletic cup for men, but not as hard. The before and after photos show how when wearing them with athletic shorts, yoga paints, leggings, swim suits, etc, it protects against camel toe. Of the two products which would you see yourself ever purchasing? If you are a guy, you can go with which of the two you’d ever buy your female friend, spouse, FWB, etc. I just have to add, if you purchased that which created camel toe, what would be the motivation; as a joke or something more serious?
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17 Answers
I vote for eliminating Camel toe, soooo, I’d go for concealing the chasm, er…gash, er, ravine. Anyone that is into camel toes needs help and those that are too stupid as to be unable to dress in a camel toeless manner need to be shot.
The gene pool does not need any more Camel toe breeders.
How do you wear leggings, and leotards, etc and avoid camel toe 100%?
Didn’t we invent the tampon so we wouldn’t have to wear bulky uncomfortable crap against our vulvas?
Okay, I am going to answer this as seriously as I can.
Why do women wear red lipstick?
In ancient days, when women were fertile and available, their lips would turn reddish. Men were attracted to this, which was the natural instinct.
I know women’s vaginal lips also swell when aroused, so perhaps someone would want to create a camel toe to lure in men, the same way they wear lipstick.
Whew! I gotta sit down!
@Hypocrisy_Central Well….women just shouldn’t wear leggings or leotards unless they are ballerinas or other dancers. Camel toe is exempt from artistic expression. Now a 300 lb. woman with camel toe in Walmart should be illegal. lol
I have a friend who buys every single pant she owns from Kohls.
Every single day she sports a clear, unmistakable camel toe.
I’d say, making an unscientific guess, that Kohls would be the place to buy just a tad too small clothes to create camel toes.
It’s actually not too hard to create them- buy pants a size too small, then hike them up.
concealing would be my pick!
Concealing. I wear yoga pants and leggings and manage to not show.one. I guess it depends on how the individual is made as well as the fit and clothing brand.
Hide that shit. No one needs to see your cooch while they work out at the gym.
I don’t understand why some girls have this problem. I’ve never had a camel toe.
I also don’t understand why someone would want to have a camel toe. It’s not exactly sexy.
@filmfann THANK YOU for your answer. Certainly gave me a perspective I have not thought of. I have to take back the thought that you were just one of many resident quipsters who never answered seriously. :-)
@Coloma Now a 300 lb. woman with camel toe in Walmart should be illegal. Lol
ROGER THAT! Something we can agree with, even if she didn’t have camel toe, it should be illegal.
@livelaughlove21 It’s not exactly sexy.
Playing Devil’s advocate I would have to say some do; no different than having your jeans ride so low ones thong straps are showing, or wearing a low cut top with a bra that creates cleavage.
@Hypocrisy_Central Your thong popping out of your jeans isn’t sexy either, and neither is excessive cleavage. It’s trashy.
@livelaughlove21 @Hypocrisy_Central Your thong popping out of your jeans isn’t sexy either,
Don’t worry, never in 80 billion years will anyone ever see me in saggy pants, much less exposing a thong strap. My mother taught me how to dress.
If I was unable to dress properly to conceal my protruding vag lips I would be in the market for the one to eliminate camel toe. I will admit that there are certain circumstances when I may want to show a bit, but those are generally private times. Christ! I just had a misery rush thinking of a time in college when I was late for a class and grabbed my (smaller) roomate’s jeans and put them on. They were tight kind of like the tight you get in freshly washed and dried jean. But as the day went on they did not loosen significantly and I was quite aware of the seam ummm running between my lips. A look in the mirror confirmed I had a major camel toe (which we actually called a “front wedgie” back in those days).
^ It would never escape the “peatmod”
My son went to the zoo about 5 months ago. He was showing me pictures. One picture was of a camel’s foot. He chortles, “Camel toe!”
I looked at him and said, “Yes. I see you took a picture of a camel’s toes.”
He said, “Um…do you know what ‘camel toe’ is?”
At that point I had a feeling I didn’t want to know! However, he managed to convey it to me without too much embarrassment.
That was the first time I’d ever heard the term, and I can’t say I’ve ever actually seen the phenomenon in real life. Of course I haven’t been looking.
The only thing comparable are jeans that just don’t fit right across the butt, so the seam is riding up into the rectum. I tried on a pair of jeans that did that once. I took them right back off immediately. SO uncomfortable, not to mention unattractive.
Do some women wear their clothes like that on purpose? I always assumed they just didn’t realize it, though how one couldn’t is beyond me.
I’m with @Sueanne_Tremendous. if for some unfathomable reason I couldn’t wear clothes that fit right I’d certainly purchase such an accessory.
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