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talljasperman's avatar

What can Blackberry do to avoid going bankrupt?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 17th, 2013

It seems that every couple of years Blackberry is in the news for the wrong reasons, From the VP’s who assaulted a stewardess, to declaring bankruptcy x number of times.

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7 Answers

Michael_Huntington's avatar

He can stop spending so much goddamn money

Mr_Paradox's avatar

They can actually come out with a product that appeals to people, instead of just to businesses.

Rarebear's avatar

Too late.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Commit hara-kiri.

They could have owned the smartphone world – in fact, they did for a while. But they forgot to innovate and moved forward and the world moved past them.

It is unlikely that Blackberry will be around in 3 years. It will be a slow and painful demise.

(Note, Apple is going down the same road a little more slowly)

ragingloli's avatar

Partner with Obama and bring out a new phone, called the Black Barry.

Blackberry's avatar

I’ve decided to get a second job, with Samsung.

talljasperman's avatar

News , BlackBerry to lay off 4500 workers to resource on business phones.

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