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pleiades's avatar

Batman Gurus: Do you buy or sell Steve Buschemi as The Riddler?

Asked by pleiades (6622points) September 18th, 2013

This is hypothetical! Do you think he could pull it off?

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13 Answers

Pachy's avatar

Absolutely he could pull it off, probably brilliantly. Great casting idea.

ucme's avatar

Buscemi plays lovable whacko with a mean streak better than anyone, so you could say he was born to play that role. They’d have to go dark & deep though, a world away from Jim Carrey’s comedic depiction.

ragingloli's avatar

Verne Troyer should play the Riddler.
No wait, he should play Batman!

janbb's avatar

Oh yeah – it would work.

El_Cadejo's avatar

Edward Norton would be a great calculating mynical Riddler IMO

Katniss's avatar

Totally buy!!!!! That man is hilarious. Love Steve Buscemi!

I also love Edward Norton. Yummy!

filmfann's avatar

Steve Buschemi is terrific, and would make a wonderful Riddler. Buy.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Definitely buy.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Another buy. He can bring it when the role is right and that sounds perfect.

ucme's avatar

Footnote: Why put the “h” in Buscemi? Hasn’t even been corrected in the topics.

pleiades's avatar

@ucme WHOA MY BAD yeah i realized after i came back that night but i couldnt edit so thres that

ucme's avatar

@pleiades Hey, that’s okay, no biggie. You weren’t the only one, a bit strange that it wasn’t corrected in the topics though, they’re normally shit hot with that, when it suits them.

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