For the men: do women who drop the "F" bomb scare you off?
Asked by
Aster (
September 19th, 2013
I know a couple of attractive (good figure, nice face) , employed , intelligent women on Facebook who say they can’t “find a man.” I can’t figure it out. But I also notice that they often use the F bomb in their posts. I was wondering if men tend to shy away from women who do that because it’s too intimidating or doesn’t remind them of mom and apple pie. They have many “friends” but have not been married. Guys, do women like this make you uncomfortable but you blame something else about them?
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32 Answers
I’m a female “F-Bomb” dropper. I will admit that it’s very unladylike. I just can’t stop myself sometimes. I open my mouth and out it comes. I think I may have missed my calling as a truck driver. lol
No. Doesn’t scare me off. Doesn’t turn me off. But it doesn’t turn me on either.
My gal has to know where the “on” button is.
Frankly, a girl who knows when and where to drop the F-Bomb is a force to be reckoned with. And, I usually find it pretty sexy.
I’m no prude, believe me, and I’ve certainly used it myself, but I’m not wild about the f-bomb from anybody. The f-word, like so many other words and phrases that have been popularized in our culture through on TV and in social media, is too often merely a verbal shortcut around meaningful , mature communication.
Nope. I even went and married one!
I’m not wild about euphemisms like “F-bomb,” though.
@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I always was told that cussing is for people with a very limited vocabulary. I do when really mad, but I try to say ‘fark’ instead…lol, I’d never post it on fb though.
@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Farkin right you son of a buck snort. I can do this all day, brother- lol, I’m the Queen of non-cussing.
@KNOWITALL Hey farging icehole, how goes it? Recognize that?
The f-bomb doesn’t faze me a bit. Sometimes it sounds hot coming at the right time.
Imagine a place where women don’t swear, neither do they fart, belch, sweat or drink beer.
They never have sex before marriage, cleavage is an alien concept & the only cock they suck is fried chicken ribs. Laydeez & genulmen, I give you Walnut Grove, where men are men & women are bored shitless.
It is a big turn off. I mean, if you know your people and are among friends it’s one thing to banter on but as far as regular conversation goes it’s really uncool. It makes a person seem less intelligent, to me at least. I’ve had a few answers to my questions that were rather harsh and when someone uses harsh language I immediately question their intelligence. I think bad language really hurts the users perception to others.
@Ucme If you’re raised that way it’s not weird but maybe a little boring to you. Walnut Grove is about 50 mls from me.
@kNoWiTaLL It all makes so much sense now, I only jest with you, please don’t hurt me :(
@Ucme Dude, you’re cool, I wouldn’t want the pollution & crowds in London either lol
Me neither, screw London, i’m way up north well out of the smoke.
I don’t care for it. I don’t do it – don’t need to.
I guess I just don’t get that angry very often. I wouldn’t want to be around a person who does.
It’s air vibrating your vocal cords and being shaped by your mouth and tongue.
I am still amazed at how worked up folks get over the human equivalent of a frog croaking.
You can find the word shit offensive and the word poopy ok. They still both describe the exact same thing.
I am a woman who swears. Fuck ‘em if they can’t deal with it.
We’re both potty mouths. Oh well.
Bite me too. :)
Yeah I consider it to be a turnoff (perpetual cursing), though I have no social networking account. Women complaining that they can’t find a man, but who make little effort in getting with a guy themselves outside of looking ‘pretty’ and posting about what a ‘great catch’ they are turns me off even more. I’m sure those women will recycle the same lovely men between each other.
Strange how people like @LuckyGuy equate just the one emotion (anger) to a specific word. It expresses a range of feelings from joy to relief, ultimate pleasure to frustration.
Quite a blinkered approach to view it as exclusively as that…fuck yeah!
Limited vocabulary my arse.
Colourful language is fine with me,as long as one uses all of the colours, not just neon green.
@Seek_Kolinahr Right? I have a large vocabulary. It’s important to me to add some colorful fucking language sometimes.
My mom would side with @KNOWITALL on this one. She says that dropping the “F-Bomb” makes me sound unintelligent. Probably, but sometimes there are no other words that work.
My fiancé doesn’t mind. You should hear him. lol
My wife does not curse. I find it to to be highly attractive. I have had girlfriends/sailors and it did not bother me. I am not quite sure if her not swearing was a part of me marrying her, or if it was the things she says in place of cursing that are FUCKING HILARIOUS!!!! “I do not give a flying fart”- my wife
There’s something backwards about those blacklisting certain words accusing those who don’t do so of having limited vocabularies. Clearly it’s not cussing that is a sign of a limited vocabulary.
Stephen Fry is with me.
It’s certainly a self defeating argument, denying yourself words based entirely on your moral code, ergo, limiting your vocabulary.
I agree it is Not the sign of a limited vocabulary. Just wondered how the men feel about women who use that one single word.
@fundevogel Have you seen Stephen Fry’s series Planet Word? He did an episode on swearing called Uses and Abuses. See around 18:45 for a delightful series of experiments featuring Fry and Brian Blessed.
(This video NSFW and Blessed in general is very NSFW!)
I cuss like a fucking sailor, and have never had a problem with men.
@fundevogel Nah, I have the vocabulary, I just choose not to use it. If I start cussing, ya’ll better start running cause I’m coming to get ya! lol
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