Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

What brings you awe and wonder?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 20th, 2013

Anything human made. From cool computers, to really good poutine.

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19 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

The Voyager spacecraft.

YARNLADY's avatar

I was all ready to answer before I read your details. Darn – Nothing has come close to the sight of a beautiful full moon, or a dark, starry night.

Pachy's avatar

Man walking on the moon. Voyager. A baby.

ucme's avatar


Blondesjon's avatar

The subtleties in the brain’s electrochemical reactions that make the difference in each answer on every thread that you read here.

They are the same chemicals and electricity but the way our minds mix them is what makes us unique.

LuckyGuy's avatar

This video. The Grand Rapids, Michigan Lip-dub for American Pie.
The coordination and effort by the residents is fantastic. I am in awe of the people who planed it and pulled the operation together.
I actually teared up when I saw it. obviously too much soy.

Blackberry's avatar

Our lives.

I still can’t fathom that we’re here by chance formation of a planet with the perfect conditions to sustain life. We evolved over time and now we’re having a party alone in the middle of nothing and we don’t even know why! We’re just freaking here on this little rock and we’ll die and billions of more people will do the same thing and once this planet is gone it’ll be like nothing ever happened! Gosh darnit!

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Good Italian dry salami.

janbb's avatar

People who are truly kind to me.

jonsblond's avatar

I was thinking the same as @YARNLADY. Can’t really think of anything man made. I was thinking weather phenomena, nature and wildlife

SomeoneElse's avatar

Jodrell Bank Radio Telescope.

Sunny2's avatar

The ever changing sky fills me with awe and, often, joy. The cloud formations, the early and late day colors, the sounds of wind and thunder, the sudden bolts of lightening, and the smell of ozone are wondrous and, almost always, a surprise.

gondwanalon's avatar

The vastness of time and space. And the seemingly infinite complexity of life.

DWW25921's avatar

Rubix Cubes…

Kardamom's avatar

Mountains, lakes, rivers, deserts, snow, rain.

graynett's avatar

The Flinders Rangers with it’s unique fossils

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