Social Question

talljasperman's avatar

My philosphy professor said to my class of 1999 that he got his Ph.D. by sharing his pot with the professor , was he serious?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 20th, 2013

I thought he was joking and I offered him in class clowning entertainment instead and company every day in his office. He raised my mark from 5 out of 9 to 7 out of 9. I didn’t know were to find pot so I was S.O.L. and I failed the second year courses, (Another professor of liberal arts wanted $5 an assignment taped to it). Another student signed out all of the relevant library books on an assignment for medieval history, with a wink and a nod to the librarian. So I was disgusted with college and went to work at a convenience store and eventually retired and stayed at home. How can one compete with those who cheat, without cheating instead.
I’m not that good at academics when the curve is so skewed towards those who cheat?

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9 Answers

CWOTUS's avatar

If you want to give up, then you should accept the responsibility for it: ”I gave up.” Don’t try to lay it at everyone else’s feet. Or anyone else’s feet.

I highly highly doubt that your professors were actually soliciting bribes and drugs from you. You might also need to develop a sense of humor: “If I submit one-third the number of papers, but with a tenner instead, will that work just as well? The discounted price is because you wouldn’t have to read so much of my BS, so it should be a win-win.”

Neodarwinian's avatar

In the next life stay away from the humanities!

talljasperman's avatar

@Neodarwinian Yes.. I would do much better in Biology, but Biology is not my area of interest unless it is human biology and anatomy.

Neodarwinian's avatar



I doubt it as the professors in biology demand human sacrifice for passing grades!

talljasperman's avatar

@Neodarwinian ~Maybe I should acquire one of the Body Worlds science cadavers. For my bio professors personal… ahemm… use.

Neodarwinian's avatar


Yes, I wouldn’t put necrophilia past certain biology professors I have known!

josie's avatar

Giving up…
Build on it.
It’s always a winner!

glacial's avatar

He wasn’t serious. He had a sense of humour and a work ethic. I guess the joke’s on you.

talljasperman's avatar

@glacial I would wonder what would have happened if I have supplied him with pot. Would he say no… and chuckle.

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