General Question

talljasperman's avatar

For those who have aniexty when trying to learn math and science at the high school level, would anti-aniexty medications help?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 21st, 2013

Or should the student temporally drop the class before a fail is recorded on one’s report card until one is more mature.

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9 Answers

Seek's avatar

When I was in high school, one couldn’t drop classes. Best you could do was transfer to a less challenging course. However, algebra, geometry, and an introduction to trig were required for graduation. So it’s not like you could opt out of maths.

Rarebear's avatar

No but studying and spending less time on the internet would.

Neodarwinian's avatar

I think talking to someone at your school, a consular perhaps, would be a better option than medication.

Math and science at the HS level should be learn-able by almost anyone, so the problem may be deeper than just the subject matter.

ItalianPrincess1217's avatar

Anti anxiety medication won’t help you learn math or science. If anything it’ll make you too foggy to concentrate. And as far as I know you can’t simply opt out math or science classes.

marinelife's avatar

Yes, they would help.

drhat77's avatar

Some times, math profs and TAs are pretty dry people. They may give obtuse (or no) examples of how this works in the real world, and then think you’re the dumb one when you don’t get it.
Try borrowing a ”... For Dummies” book from the library. I think it may help you get the basics you need. As you get more used to success, you’re anxiety will diminish

gailcalled's avatar

Daniel Finkel’s wonderful math blog;

“We believe that math can be a part of everyone’s life. Every student should experience the thrill of mathematical discovery. Every teacher can appreciate the elegance of a great mathematical insight. The power of mathematics is part of our shared human inheritance.”

CWOTUS's avatar

Find the misunderstood words that are blocking comprehension, get those words and concepts resolved and understood, and don’t move past them if they aren’t. Math and science, when taught competently, build on blocks of general and fairly simple concepts. Yes, it’s possible to go off the rails if you try to learn too much, too fast, and without any real understanding of the basic concepts, but that’s not what usually happens.

It seems to me that what happens is a failure to grasp the fundamental concepts, or a rote memorization of “do this problem this way” takes over, so that the student can’t really “understand” what is being taught. They try to become computing machines to “solve problems” without a basic understanding of how mathematical (or scientific) basics apply.

So, yes, dropping the current class if one is in this position early in the school year might be appropriate, but it would also be appropriate in that case to repeat the pre-requisite course/s that lead up to this one.

Pied_Pfeffer's avatar

In addition to some of the spot-on answers above, here is another that might hopefully help. For the subjects that I struggled with, it would have helped understanding why they were so important in the long run. The bottom line is that all high school level subjects will help you out through life.

There will always be subjects in which you excel and others that that you don’t. The intent of a high school education is to introduce you to a variety of subjects that guide you into a field where you can succeed. That doesn’t mean that you can opt out of those that come as a challenge.

It is really a life lesson. In any job that you hold in the future, you will be tasked with responsibilities that you do not do well, but will still be expected to accomplish them successfully. You never know what challenges will be thrown at you while working in the ideal environment.

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