Are you going to be taking anything(not material)with you when you go from this world?
Asked by
September 22nd, 2013
Secrets, things best left unsaid, undying love, what could you possibly take with you when you leave for the long journey of no return?
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24 Answers
My bizarre ( at times ) sense of humor.
Since I manifested this particular reality, I’ll be taking all of y’all.
A lot of secrets from friends and lovers.
Why would we record them here if we want them bourne away with us?
The title of “Conquerer”.
There was a miserly tightwad that was determined to take all of his money with him when he died. He drew out all of his cash when he started to decline and split it into three envelopes he gave to his friends with instructions to throw them into his grave when he was buried. He passed and the funeral was held and the internment was set. The friends each threw in an envelop. They met up at the wake and were remembering how he was. One friend turned to the others and confessed, I took a little cash out before I threw the envelop in. The other friend said so did I, what good is it going to do him? The other friend, a lawyer said well, I’ll sleep just fine. I threw in a check for the full amount.
Ok, if @Adirondackwannabe can tell a joke so can I.
A man rich man was praying and asked God if he could please bring his wealth with him to heaven. After a long negotiation God relented and said he could bring one thing with him.
When he died he came to heaven dragging a very heavy bag. St Peter stopped him and said, “I’m sorry, you can’t bring anything here. ”
The man replied, “Ask God, he told me I could bring one thing.”
St Peter got on the phone and came back to the man. “You are correct. God said you can bring one thing. Do you mind if I see what it is?”
“Sure” the rich man and opened the bag to reveal a very large brick of gold.
St. Peter looked at him puzzled and said, “Pavement?”
If I die tonight, all I’ll bring with me is love. I hope it is like that when I do go, because I have been entrusted with a close friend’s secret in the past and it made me uncomfortable. I’ve worked very hard to eliminate drama from my life and I try to keep friends who are similarly forthright and trustworthy.
@hearkat Love is the best thing to bring. If one has love nothing else matters.
No, I plan on laying it on out before I go. Dirty laundry.
@Mama_Cakes You’re not going to do that unless they really deserve it. You have too much class for that.
My sentiments on this are exactly the same as Woody Allen’s:
“I don’t believe in the after life, although I am bringing a change of underwear.”
Only my humor as @Tropical_Willie headed up this thread with.
Too bad…the world be a much more serious place after I am gone.
Humor of the day…had a great improv. session with a very zippy waiter at a restaurant with my daughter tonight.
He was so quick witted, we had a great time and some great laughs!
I told him that even though he was handsome and charming he must have a dark secret, probably little boys in his basement, he came back with ” no, just little girls!” lol
Later I told him I would tip him extra well because he probably needed to buy all those little girls some new panties…he said ” Oh, they don’t wear panties!” hahaha
God…I love a quick wit!
I tipped him very well. My kinda guy! :-D
@Coloma Haha..I know, my daughter and I discussed that he probably was a closet pedophile. Oh well…what can I say, the world just isn’t ready for a female George Carlin. No topic is taboo. lol
I hope to bring with me the lessons I have learned and the love of those who are important in my life.
The shock of finding out that there is an afterlife.
Memories of many, many titties & a packet of chocolate hob-nobs.
@ZEPHYRA Dear friend…why? If there is an afterlife, it is just another phase. Despite the initial shock, our souls seem fairly able to adapt to change.
All the guilt I was unable to get rid of while alive.
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