Do you have any funny store signs to share?
On a Sobey’s grocer sign, the s is burnt out and it says “Obeys”
It reminds me of Kim Possible’s Lather Rinse and Obey.
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13 Answers
Traveling in asia a few years ago was hilarious, lots of “engrish” type signs.
One was ” Lets cafe” for a coffee shop and ” Expect party active” for another bistro type place. haha
Gives a whole new meaning to lost in translation.
Some signs have a nasty habit of rearranging themselves in humorous fashion, as this one did.
I used to live a block away from the local video store, MEGAFLICKS, or as the block letter sign appeared to read, MEGAFUCKS.
Holy shit, @ragingloli has a picture of my video store linked!
Astonishingly, I couldn’t find any on the internet…who the fuck knew? ~
I once saw one of those A-type signs in the middle of some steps leading to a cafe, which read “Please do not obstruct these steps”.
Some of those bad company logos are pretty funny.
We were in Oklahoma on Saturday, stopped at a Mom and Pop convenience / liquor / souvenir store. They had all kinds of cheap Indian stuff in the windows (huge American Indian presence in OK.) As I was waiting for Rick to come out I saw part of a sign under a window. It seemed to say “Res Parking,” then had the OU logo under it. I leaned to see the whole thing, which read “Reserved Parking.” I thought “Res Parking” would have been funny!
As far as what I’ve seen myself, do these two news paper clippings count? One was from our local, Winfield Kansas paper, the other from the Wichita Eagle:
Not being on the property
Scroll all the way to the bottom to see the…
:Nanometer-silver cryptomorphic condom. lol
@Dutchess_III Page 2 is even better, you can view the bubble tea sign that says..“suck my balls.” hahaha
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