Do your pets have more than one name?
One long name, as opposed to calling them different things at different times?
Between my partner and I, we have four cats:
Franklin Periwinkle Pussycat Melanson
Magdalene May McKenna
Honolulu Pistachio Monkamouse Blue Melanson
Butterbean Dandelion Melanson
We’re not right. haha
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Macula Notare (Latin for marked with a spot)
Also Mackie
Prince Snoodziwill
The list is endless . . .
Pendlebury Shortcake McCallister
Penny Woo Woo
She’s called Penny, but why stop there?
Oh man…I’m the queen of nicknames for my pets.
My female siamese ” Mia” is aka..
Meep and meepsy lol
My male “Myles” only has two other nicknames
“Big man” & “Monster man.”
of course!
Costello also goes by: Cos, costerello, cozzy, babycat
Abbott also goes by: Abbott-rabbit, AAAAAAAAAAAAbbbott!
Snap also goes by: Sweet pea, Snapper, Snapple, stinkpot (when she has gas).
Funny thing is they come to all the different ones we call them.
Nope. I have nicknames for them, but they only have one name.
I call Daisy “Days” and “Daisy Waisy” along with your basic cutesy nicknames like sweetie pie. I also refer to her as “my beautimus pup dog” from time to time.
I call Chloe “Chloe Bo Poey” sometimes. And, of course, “kitty kitty kitty.”
Dutchess is also known as “Yupid.”
Sadie, Sadeleh (her Yiddish name), Little Girl, Sweetheart, Boo-Boo…the list is infinite!
My Siamese has one official name, Sy, but various nicknames depending on his mood. He’s Syboy when being sweet and kitten-like, Syberspacy when he’s in push-back mode like he was this morning when I took him to the vet for his annual checkup and shots.
@livelaughlove21, I love “Daisy Waisy.” I’m sure you’re way too young to remember, but that’s what Mickey Rooney called the girl he was wooing in one of the Andy Hardy movies.
My dog’s name is “Zerfleisch Ihn”.
Frodo Baggins (my last birth name). AKA, Mr. Baggins, Fro, the Bagginses and Bad Dog.
Mosh mouse
All my pets have only had one official name, though many nicknames. I never though to give them middle or last names (but the vet does assign our last name to them). Currently, I have two cats: Chance and Mouse.
Well, some of them do… my dog Sofiya’s full name is Sofiya Louise Spudley-Huffington; and Finny the cat is Phineas T. Barnsmell(he had an unfortunate flatulence problem as a kitten). My new kitten Gracie may turn out to be Gracess Liverbits, which came from either me or my sister(I can’t remember) being unable to pronounce ‘Grace Elizabeth’. Oh, and my daughter’s-dog-who-now-lives-with-us is Poppington Moochie Treadwell. (My daughter named her Poppy.) The other animals have to content themselves with nicknames and/or variations of their names.
” my dog Sofiya’s full name is Sofiya Louise Spudley-Huffington; and Finny the cat is Phineas T. Barnsmell(he had an unfortunate flatulence problem as a kitten). My new kitten Gracie may turn out to be Gracess Liverbits, which came from either me or my sister(I can’t remember) being unable to pronounce ‘Grace Elizabeth’. Oh, and my daughter’s-dog-who-now-lives-with-us is Poppington Moochie Treadwell. (My daughter named her Poppy.) The other animals have to content themselves with nicknames and/or variations of their names.”
That’s what I was going with with this question. You and @livelaughlove21 got it right. lol
My daughter calls her cat “Daisy”. I call it, “Stupid cat.”
Our first cat growing up was Misty Grey Emerald Surname. Our second cat was perezoso (it means lazy) but we called him Peri, pronounced perry. I call almost all cats kitty and also by their names.
Now, my husband, he calls me so many nicknames I probably would forget one if I tried to name them all. I think I am like a pet to him. He rubs my farhead. He likes me to greet him when he comes home. He takes me pretty much wherever he goes. He brings me home treats every so often.
I thought I would add that the first cat had multiple names because we kept the name the shelter gave him as a middle name, but my sister named him as well. We either called him Misty when referring or talking to him, or we used all 4 names complete.
Only one name for each. They are Spot, Bear, Po and Rigby. Rigbutt has been the nickname for Rigby lately, but that’s it.
Leica is also Pooh.
Pitch is also Pit Pit.
Our cat. Her second name is ‘little polar bear’ because she is white.
@Rarebear Git with the Yiddish, man. It’s “Yupid Cat.”
My old Himalayan mix kitty, who looked purebred, minus the squishy face was named : Gadwicke, son of Smethwicke of Mt. Aukum.” lol
He had so many nicknames.
The Gadman
Scruffy man
Puffy man
Huffy man
Muffy man. haha
I also called him the gay man of the forest.
He was a fancy feast cat with kick ass class…that cat may have looked gay but he was one tough kitty.
He drove off several big dogs from the property, including jumping on a Rottweiler once and rodeo riding him out of the yard. He was fearless and would also jump from the edge of the pool to my shoulder while I was swimming.
I miss my “Madman.”
Here he is in my avatar, from a few years ago. He passed away at 15 in 2010.
A sweeter and smarter cat never lived.
My dog, Lucy, goes by several other names:
Note: This is my very much alive kitty “Myles” in my avatar now, I took down Gads picture. Just to clarify. haha
Bella is often referred to as Bella-Boo or Belle.
Zara is also called Zsa Zsa (as in Gabor) and Zazoo.
They both respond to their alternative names!
LOL those are cute names! I’m sure you shorten them when you talk and play with them. My doggy only has one name but a lot of nicknames.
Barker, Tucker, Minin, Screamin jeamin, Piglet, tons more.
My friend calls Frodo “Sheep.”
My rottie was Ashanti Lynn – called her Asha (and various nicknames).
Her parents were papered, pointed champion bred. Their names were Roxy Von Whitehurst and Rockford Van Diesel. So classy :)
I have a papered dog on the way. I’ve been throwing names about, and so far I have Suddanly Orion. But I think I’ll call him Bluto. Orion would be his stage name. I’ll have to wait until I meet him to be sure.
My dog is papered too – he eats it whenever he can; newspapers, magazines, toilet roll…..
LOL, sounds like it’s just as expensive that way!
The only reason I went AKC registered is because I’m planning on training him for Search n Rescue. I went with a breeder that could help me determine specific needed personality traits. I couldn’t take the chance of an inbred puppy mill dog or a pound pup with no known history.
With my rottie I just lucked out. I have always loved how elegant the parents names sounded, though.
@janbb I mentioned the papered part because all registered dogs typically have more than one name. The first name is usually the name of the breeder (Suddanly) followed by the dog’s given name, or show name then given name. It isn’t unusual for registered dogs to have really long names.
@GloPro Yeah, I know. It just struck me as funny when I think of paper in terms of my little terrier mix rescue!
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