General Question

talljasperman's avatar

Can I make a flowchart for a game if I don't have mastery of a computer language?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 24th, 2013

I’m good at spaghetti code with QBasic… Can I make a flowchart for a new game and deliver it to app programmer’s and get the game made? Also are flowcharts different with different language’s? I will sit back and watch, I don’t have a game idea right now, and I don’t own a smart phone. This Is a thought I had from failing Java in University 12 years ago.

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3 Answers

drhat77's avatar

A programmer may offer that service but you would need to send them information based on their preffered format. If you want to either hire a programmer or sell them an idea they would probably just sit downwith you and story board it. I think it will be pretty had to find someone who would jsut take random pseudocode. Most modern games would have such a diverse branch path it would be pretty hard to translate anythign you make into something they could use.

LostInParadise's avatar

I don’t see why not. The flowchart just has to give the functionality of the game from a player’s point of view. Flowcharts are supposed to be language neutral. You might want to consider using pseudocode, which I find better than flowcharts in describing programs.

Mr_Paradox's avatar

Flowcharts are plain English, the only hard part is using the right symbols.

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