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filmfann's avatar

Did you watch "The Blacklist" Monday night? Did you like it?

Asked by filmfann (52610points) September 25th, 2013

NBC has a new series with James Spader. They have been advertising the hell out of it.
Did you watch it, and did you like it?

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20 Answers

Katniss's avatar

I did not. My fiancé watched it and thought it was pretty decent.

jonsblond's avatar

Haven’t watched it yet, but it’s on the DVR. I’m a fan of Spader so I hope the show isn’t disappointing.

ucme's avatar

Starts over here Friday week, looks good enough to give it a shot, but then so did Revolution & that turned out to be crap.
Spader is usually a safe bet though, so we live in hope.

Pachy's avatar

I’m a Spader fan from his Boston Legal days, but when the bad guys crashed into the car carrying the agent and little girl, I turned it off. During just that first 10 minutes I saw familiar plot points from Homeland, Silence of the Lambs and other shows. Boredom and violence in one package—I pass.

JLeslie's avatar

My husband really liked it. I’m luke warm. A little too violent for me.

Pachy's avatar

Yes, @JLeslie, it’s the violence that turned me off, too.

chyna's avatar

Yes. Loved it.

filmfann's avatar

I thought it was terribly predictable, yet still watchable since I love James Spader. The only plot point that surprised me was the secret under the rug, which they will need to explain since any vetting the FBI did should have found that.

chyna's avatar

Yeah, the secret under the rug was pretty cool.
I do love Spader and would watch anything with him in it.

jonsblond's avatar

Did any of you like Spader when he was on The Office? I love that guy

chyna's avatar

I didn’t know he was in The Office. Crap.

jonsblond's avatar

He was on for a season or two. He was hilarious.

johnpowell's avatar

I watched it and thought it was good. Not great but good enough if I need to kill some time. Out of the new stuff I think Hostages is better.

And then we have Lucky 7. Which is pretty much a fucking horrible version of a great show from the UK. (The Syndicate)

filmfann's avatar

I am going to watch the second show, and probably the third and fourth, but unless it gets a lot better, I’m out.

chyna's avatar

Ok, I just saw the second one and I still like it.

filmfann's avatar

I thought the second one was weaker than the first. I will watch next week, but they are losing me.

There is a point where the director or writer stops, and just doesn’t know what to do, so they have Spader laugh. It’s an annoying manipulation that what you see makes sense.

ucme's avatar

Still not seen it, starts this friday night, but a lot of US TV shows follow the same formula.
They pack all the action & best bits in the opening & closing episodes leaving the remainder weak in comparison. Bit like a crap sandwich, delicious bread, but a disappointing filling.

filmfann's avatar

Last night was the 3rd show, I think. I am abandoning it. It is silly and predictable. James Spader is fine, but he cannot carry the series if the writers can’t be original.

chyna's avatar

I still like it.

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