Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

Have conspiracy theorist posts subsided on your facebook page?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47209points) September 25th, 2013

They have on mine. I think part of the reason is before, people would post the stupid stuff and I, and others, would come back with proof that it was a hoax or a flat out lie. Then the fires would start.

However, I liked a page called “Checking With Snopes Before Forwarding Dumb Emails,” and they address all of the BS as it shows up on Snopes. I share their stuff, as well as my own findings on Snopes. Between us, on my page anyway, we’re taking the offensive. We’re discrediting the rumors before they ever even get posted by the conspiracy nuts.

If my friends see a post saying that there is a rumor going around that proving FEMA is building concentration camps, and here is the proof that this isn’t true, then someone posts a comment later going “OMG! FEMA is building concentration camps!” they look like a fool.

I also think the social message from everyone saying, basically, that “You’re stupid for even believing this” is finally getting through to them too. At least enough for them to shut up.

What’s on your facebook page?

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7 Answers

syz's avatar

No. I’ve just unfriended them or hidden their posts.

Seek's avatar

Nope. Actually, I just had a lovely (is my sarcasm dripping) encounter with my sister in law and about fifteen of her most illiterate friends. It began with the SIL claiming that the “pharmaceutical industry doesn’t cure illnesses, it creates customers”.

For some reason I couldn’t HELP but comment that, pithy though the comment may be, it’s patently incorrect, and here is a long list of illnesses that have been eradicated by modern medicine. By the way, how many years have you been paying your chiropractor for bi-monthly visits for that back pain he can’t seem to cure?

Enter the fifteen friends asking me how long I’ve been drinking Kool-aid, and commenting on my apparent age and where I may have gone to college and how many episodes of Dr. Oz I’ve seen (oooh, it made them mad when I called Oz a quack for pushing Ayurveda on bored housewives) and is that my real hair colour anyway…

I’m not sure why I’m so shocked that not a single one of them had a sensible, non ad-hominem rebuttal to my link containing the facts of modern medicine vs. nonmedical quackery. I think you Flutherinoes have me spoilt.

Kropotkin's avatar

They’ve subsided because the conspiracy theorists are being taken away in mysterious black vans….. aaah! Let go of me!... Where are you ta—

trailsillustrated's avatar

If some friend posts that stuff- the ‘bra’ mite infection, the ‘facebook privacy thingo’ I post the snopes page in the comments. I hardly ever get those things, but people that post nothing but endless memes I hide or unfriend. That bugs me more than any of the other stuff.

Kardamom's avatar

Yes, but only because the one person who posted them, went on a nutty rampage, and I ended up blocking her. The poor woman, an acquaintance who was briefly dating a friend of mine, has an un-treated mental illness, coupled with anger issues. I knew her in a former life and was being friendly with her because she was dating my friend. Their relationship blew up in a ball of flames, just like I predicted. I could see no reason to continue listening to her go on and on about chem trails.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@trailsillustrated I don’t see a lot of that on my page. It’s mostly when I go into a friend’s comment and come across total strangers.

I have a few friends who post rumors. I do the same as you, I post the Snopes article showing it’s false. So far, they have always apologized, saying they should have checked.

The thing that gets me is…how many times do we have to post the Snopes for you until you figure out to take two seconds and check it yourself before you share???

Kardamom's avatar

^^ There should be some sort of FB signal that says: Snope Before You Post! Now officially known on Fluther as SBYP.

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