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talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) Will the public be warned of this new food product?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) September 25th, 2013

In Canada a new business is opening up. It uses ground up crickets to make flour. Can you tell me if you would eat it.

Also for extra credit: Has anyone eaten horse meat seeing it was approved to be put in food in the States.

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9 Answers

Seek's avatar

Why is this NSFW? Is ‘horse’ a euphemism?

And sure, I’d eat cricket flour.

I wouldn’t mind horse meat either, provided I’m informed that’s what I’m eating ahead of time. I haven’t eaten it yet, to my knowledge.

YARNLADY's avatar

I would only eat it if I didn’t know what it was.

deni's avatar

Crickets would probably be healthier than most of the shit they throw in our food.

whitenoise's avatar

Why would this be NSFW, or are there other applications that you didn’t mention?
then please elaborate

Anyways… of course, I’d eat it. Is there a reason not to? You are likely eating insects already, as well.
Did you know, for instance, how al lot, if not most, of red food dye is made? (wikipedia)

As long as there is no public health risk, no warning is necessary.

And horse meat tastes great. :-)

tom_g's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr: “Why is this NSFW? Is ‘horse’ a euphemism?”

No. Crickets is a euphemism for….wait…what is it a euphemism for?

</safest possible question for work>

syz's avatar

What do you mean “warned”? I presume the packaging is labeled as cricket protein.

1) Insects are a foolishly wasted source of protein, they are very efficient feed converters.
2) Why is horse meat different than cow meat, pig meat, dog meat, guinea pig meat, or cat meat? All of them are eaten in various parts of the world. If you’re going to be outraged about any of them, shouldn’t you be outraged about all of them?

talljasperman's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr In case someone is eating while reading… I was at a dinner party upstairs and I was told not to mention it until after the meal was over, (no we didn’t have crickets).

KaY_Jelly's avatar

No and no.

First of all we do not need to eat animals as our main protein, I personally believe it’s stupid, useless and foolish. I have survived with no meat in my diet for years. The next best thing is that since I personally do not even eat things that are are boxed or made in factories and meat is not the main source of my protein, I can say I don’t need to eat a beautiful horse and I am as healthy as a horse.

I try to be eco friendly as much as possible.

I just need to mention this here. There is a commercial I’ve seen that bugs me soo much, it’s about dogfood. And it is about having the best ingredients for your family pet. So basically we grain feed these animals that we will feed to our dogs or even grain feed the horses, to reproduce them for dogfood and people food which is what is supposedly contributing to global warming, all those grains we could be eating. Also lets introduce another protein into our diet folks when we have third world countries who people and children are starving to death. I pretty much figured we are smarter than this, we arent the mayans for crying out loud.

Also don’t let me forget to mention how we have all these illnesses caused by the way we eat and our lifestyles, too much crap, what are we scavengers? Not to mention my dog has liver disease from eating this “holistic” dogfood that was supposed to be soooo great, so both have been on a vegan diet for 4 years, this vegan diet saved my dogs life after seeing that it all sort of clicked for me, well that and my health problems which are gone now thanks to my diet, that and a baby milking calf that escaped it’s jailhouse to graze, not before being wrangled. I used to be a fat cow. That calf saved my life. I started exercising and restricting my diet and I lost basically a pound a week. Not to mention my dog with liver disease was 102lbs now she’s 72lbs, and she’s a Labrador retriever she loves food. Too bad eating healthy didn’t cure mental problems. Lol.

What about wild horses? I’ve always heard wild meat tastes better. Start eating them so they go extinct, it’s not allowed I know, but what’s the difference. I know, I have an unappealing idea that the modern population is primed to be disgusted by, let’s start a fetal farm…yeah why not eat human babies…you first.

No thanks. I respect ALL life, I definitely do not need to overinduldge or partake in the murdering and killing of any life, I’m pretty sure we are a much smarter species than that and we can preserve this beautiful earth instead of treating it and everything in it and around it like a shithole.

josie's avatar

You’ve already eaten plenty of bug parts in your flour.

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