Meta Question

jonsblond's avatar

Who cares? Blondesjon does. Can we get this 30k party started?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) September 25th, 2013

Goddammit, he cares!

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46 Answers

glacial's avatar

Good thing I’ve already opened a fresh beer – this party is underway. Congratulations, @Blondesjon!

I had to read the question twice to figure out which of you this party was for! Ok, maybe more than twice. ;)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Wait a F&*King minute maybe two ! ! Who is buying the beer?

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Calico? It’s a kitty!!!! This randomass trivia victor wants to congratulate you on 30K. One of the best things about this here site, is having you around.

A shot of CC!!! Cheers!

linguaphile's avatar

Rocking on! Congrats!! A good Colorado-made Fat Tire toast for ya!

YARNLADY's avatar

* * * Y * A * Y * * * CONGRATULATIONS * * * GOOD WORK * * * Y * A * Y * * *

AstroChuck's avatar

Who the f@#% is Blondesjon?

Oh well. Congrats just the same, newbie.

Blo’n Desjon? Lucky Desjon!

augustlan's avatar

I lurve you, dude. Congratulations!! So glad you got to throw this party, @jonsblond! :)

Sunny2's avatar

You made it! I helped, but you don’t have to thank me. You deserved it. Congratulations!

longgone's avatar

Congrats. I’ve almost figured out which one of you two is which by now :]

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Whoop! Whoop! Whoop!

Yeah! Let’s have a party!

Congratulations! blondsjon, you da man!

downtide's avatar

Congrats @Blondesjon. Good work!

ucme's avatar

Hey Blondie, you know what you are? Just a dirty son of a bi…
Loving your work, (sniff) it’s been emotional.

chyna's avatar

Congratulations @blondesjon!! I’m really glad you are here. You put the fun and heart into this place. I always smile when I see you have answered a question.
Thanks for being here.

jca's avatar

Did I just turn on the radio and hear that there’s a party going on? Let’s get this party started quickly, riiiighht? Congrats on a grand achievement!

Seek's avatar

Go Packers.

Pachy's avatar

Whew! All this partying lately is wearing me down! Nonetheless, congratulations @blondesjon. Party on!

syz's avatar


filmfann's avatar

Congo Rats BJ! You are one of the finest contributors here. Take a well deserved bow!

Katniss's avatar

WooHoo Congratulations!!

janbb's avatar

What a pair! Err, I mean what a couple! In any case, we all know who has the balls in that family!

Ok – let’s open another six-pack.

Yay for you, @Blondesjon!

And if Gail were here, she would sy something in Finnish so I will in her honor:

Aweedcf dreon sertcfyh cjewjjep!

Coloma's avatar

Cheers…this Happy Brownie is for you. Well..I don’t have any Happy Brownies right now, but if I did, I’d share. lol

tedibear's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS Give us “little people” your impression of the new digs!

rojo's avatar

What? No congrats for him @jonsblond ? Maybe later tonight.

Well done @Blondesjon hope you get lucky.

Strauss's avatar

Congo rates, @blondesjon! So I now see you’ve been secretly building that expansion on the third floor of the mansion!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Get the BLONDES out serving champagne and snacks, the third floor is filling up with more good people! Congrats!

KNOWITALL's avatar

He has a good sense of humor, but I still like his wife better lol. Congrats!

Coloma's avatar

@KNOWITALL Well..that was brazen! lolol

ucme's avatar

I like his wife better too, in be…oops!

AmWiser's avatar

30K well deserved Congratulations!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats to a great jelly and a great family guy.

Berserker's avatar

DUDE. Sweet. Congratulations to a kick ass jelly. You rock, cheers friend. :)

Buttonstc's avatar

You really liven this place up. Love ya (and your better half too)

Well deserved congratulations. Good for you.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Congrats, Mr. Blonde! This calls for a chocolate wrestling pit and chocolate booze for all!

forestGeek's avatar

Hell yeah!! Congrats and cheers!.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Maybe you can donate some of that lurve to our Packers. Can’t hurt. Congrats BJ ; )

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Sueanne_Tremendous I’m wearing a Packers t-shirt right now, does that help?

Blondesjon's avatar

I am certain that my fellow Jellies expect that on my induction into the 30k floor of the manion I will address them with a candor and a wit which the present situation of our Q&A site impels. This is preeminently the time to speak the truth, the whole truth, frankly and boldly. Nor need we shrink from honestly facing conditions in our wonderful site today. Fluther will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to lurve is lurve itself.

In this dedication of a Collective we humbly ask the blessing of @Augustlan. May She protect each and every one of us. May She guide me in the days to come.

ucme's avatar

Golf clap

Kardamom's avatar

Running out for party supplies, be back as soon as possible…

Judi's avatar

How did I miss this? Congrats you foul mouthed drunk!~ you know I love ya and your amazing wife. Have been missing you around here lately. Glad you made it to 30K.

Kardamom's avatar

OK, I’m back. While you are waiting, please enjoy a few of these Street Tacos, Sliders and Beer Brats.

Will be back later with everything else…

Blondesjon's avatar

@Kardamom . . . Killer Bee.

can you also whip up about 13 points for the wisconsin badgers right now?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hey! Just found this! Congratulations @jonsblond!

♥ ❤ ♡♥ ♡❤ ♥ ♥ ❤ ♡♥ ♡❤ ♥♡ ♥ ❤ ♡♥ ♡❤ ♥
♪ ♫♪♫☼►↕♫/••••☼☼☼☼►↕♫/••••☼☼☼►↕♫/••••☼☼☼

Kardamom's avatar

OK, so we’ve just got the workman moved out, that’s what was taking me so long. Instead of up-rooting everyone and hauling your luggage up to the 3rd floor, we decided to use that empty plot of land that is just one block away from your house. I know, I know, you never noticed it before, but we got lucky, Auggie made a deal with a local realtor and now we have another hunk of land and mini mansion just for the Blondes.

I know you guys have had a rough time over the last couple of years, especially in the last 6 months or so, so we wanted you to be able to have a comfortable place to go, that is just down the street. We also made accommodations for for your in laws, so that you can keep a watchful eye over them.

We thought it was going to get chilly in a week or two, now that fall has arrived, so we decided to go with a tropical them. I hope you and the missus like This Room and this is your Sitting Room

On the other side of the house we have set up This Place just for your in laws. Of course, there is a full time, 24 hour caring staff on duty.

In the center of this new dwelling is a large Restaurant Style Kitchen complete with its own Brewery.

There’s also a spa area with a Couples Massage Room and an indoor Pool and Hot Tub.

Just down the hall is an in home Wine Bar where you can enjoy Tapas, and Dim Sum and Smorgasbord delights any time of the day or night.

This Door leads to your own personal 1920’s style Speakeasy. Your porn collection will be waiting for you behind the mirror ; P

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