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YARNLADY's avatar

NSFW: Should prostitution be legal in the U. S.?

Asked by YARNLADY (46735points) September 25th, 2013

I was surprised to find out it is legal in Australia. Should it be legal in the U. S.?

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20 Answers

Rarebear's avatar

It is legal in Nevada

whitenoise's avatar

Yes and they should crack down fully on human trafficking at the same time.

johnpowell's avatar

It is going to happen anyway. Look at all the porn. Why does filming it make it legal?

Put the same regulations on it that goes into porn and clear out some jail cells for people getting busted with a five dollar bag of weed. Oh, that’s right, incarceration is big business now. Prisons are like motels, a empty room doesn’t make you any money.

JLeslie's avatar

I think it probably should be legal. It could be better regulated and hopefully people participating would be safer. However, I think there still would be people participating in the industry underground, so it will only help so much if it is legal. 14 year olds performing sex acts will still happen even though it is illegal for a minor. This goes with the sex trafficking mentioned in another answer. That is a much bigger concern for me than adults making choices to have sex or not.

If it stays illegal in America, I want the laws to punish the people buying the sex, not the ones providing it. Or, it could be both, but the buyer needs to suffer more consequences.

@Rarebear Parts of Nevada.

jerv's avatar

Yes. Not only would it be safer due to some sort of regulations (akin to what legal brothels have) but if the porn industry is any indication, the revenue generated could pay off the national debt in under a year.

@JLeslie That would also make dating illegal. Between expectations and the price of a nice dinner…

JLeslie's avatar

@jerv Why is it any different regarding dating? You can say that about dating now.

zander101's avatar

I honestly thought it was already legal, the way that sex sells the media. Like @JLeslie mentioned enact safer provisions and statutes for the participants, because even though they are performers they are people too with families of their own. The only issue I have with it being legitimized is the human trafficking issue, porn is literally a channel between countries to encourage trading of bodies for money.

gorillapaws's avatar

Yes. Mandatory weekly STD testing, and keep pimping illegal. Tax it too, and we can help reduce the deficit.

rojo's avatar

Yes. I can not think of a single reason that it should be illegal in the first place except that it is yet another way males keep females in line.

Coloma's avatar


Gambling legal
Prostitution legal
Keeping Lobsters illegal

I’m not a fan of any of the sexploitation industries period, but, yes, better legal with health monitoring than illegal without.
I live about 50 miles form the Nevada state line on the Lake Tahoe side of CA.

You can google “Mustang ranch” brothal for a full tour of the infamous ein Sparks Nevada

Linda_Owl's avatar

Well, the ‘religious element’ has been trying for centuries to outlaw prostitution & yet it continues to this day. It is a highly dangerous way to survive & legalizing it would entail safe-guards that would protect both the women who practice prostitution & their customers who patronize these women.

bea2345's avatar

At the same time, pimping should be made a serious offence.

mrentropy's avatar

I’ve never heard a good reason for it to be illegal. And is it all of Nevada, or just a part of it? Or everywhere except Las Vegas?

YARNLADY's avatar

According to wikipedia, Nineteen legal brothels exist in the state as of August 2013. They are the only places where it is legal.

Paradox25's avatar

Yes, because you can’t stop people from wanting sex. We don’t come down on people who have random sex or have sex through some type of relationship, so why the change in attitude concerning paying for it? I was hoping that by legalizing prostitution that it could be safer that way, I’m not sure.

ETpro's avatar

Yes, I am libertarian on that. I don’t want it flaunted in the streets though. It should be legal behind closed doors, and the tax revenues it generated should cover costs of STD testing and fighting human trafficking.

JLeslie's avatar

It is illegal in Vegas. It is only legal in some parts of Nevada and Vegas is not one of them.

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I think it should be legal. Then I wouldn’t have to feel guilty about getting my lady parts massaged in inappropriate ways at my behest.

antimatter's avatar

Yes yes and it should be regulated!

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