Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What do you think the reaction will be if I post the following question on fb?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) September 26th, 2013

“There is something I don’t understand. How is it on the one hand some (not ‘all’, but ‘SOME’) are always broadcasting their Christian faith and beliefs, post comments about a kind, gentle, loving, helping God, yet on the other hand are rabidly opposed to tangibly helping people who are less fortunate than themselves via the Affordable Care Act (aka ‘ObamaCare’)?

And why are some who call themselves ‘Christians’ so violently opposed to helping human beings who are in this country but ‘undocumented?’ Many of those undocumented human beings are fine, hardworking people who fled their country to save their children from being slaughtered.

If you had your way, would you send them, and their children, back to “their” country to die or starve?

Does God think some people are more deserving than others based on their income or the kind of paperwork they have, or don’t have?

Would you turn those people away from your church?

Can someone help me reconcile these contradictions?”

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73 Answers

syz's avatar

That depends on your friends list. And are you expecting constructive answers, or are you just stirring up shit?

tom_g's avatar

I’m not in the facebook-as-political-message loop, fortunately. My only experience with Facebook is to share the occasional photos of my kids with the few non-technical relatives that I have who refuse to create a Google+ account.

It’s my impression, however, that many feuds go on among facebook “friends” all the time. Is Facebook really the venue for this? If you are trying to stay connected in some minor (arguably superficial) way through this social media tool, wouldn’t posting something like this cause some problems?

I think that unless you’re attempting to trim some fat from your list of friends, this will lead to nothing but hurt feelings and frustration.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@syz How would it be “stirring up shit?”

rojo's avatar

Hate the sin, not the sinner.

you can get away with all kinds of crap by using this little catchphrase

jonsblond's avatar

If you were my Facebook friend I would probably start hiding your posts because I hate that kind of shit stuff on fb, even if I agreed with the point you were trying to make. I’m there to share pictures and good moments with family and friends. I don’t visit fb to read political rants.

trailsillustrated's avatar

I would say TLDR and unfriend you. Just saying. I know your are a nice person. But you probably are a grandma who doesn’t need to be on fb.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Ok. You guys are right. It is a direct attack. How could I get the same point across but in a different way?

trailsillustrated's avatar

PS if I saw that on my personal feed I’d think you were effin nuts.

tom_g's avatar

@Dutchess_III: “How could I get the same point across but in a different way?”

Don’t. Or you could approach a “friend” who you feel might be open to a discussion of this type and maybe you could engage in this discussion privately (email or facebook private message).

Dutchess_III's avatar

Why @trailsillustrated?

What about a post about me? “I’m for helping people out. I support the ACA. I support the movement to get certain undocumented humans the paperwork they need to become a member of our society.”

I was in a discussion about Syria with a younger family member, devote Catholic, who was completely opposed to taking any action, even if it was to stop the slaughter of women and children. I said, “Does God differentiate between the humans of one country and humans of our country?”
She said, “God might not but I do!!!”
Then she disappeared. I think she shocked herself by saying that!

But she came back and it’s all good.

trailsillustrated's avatar

Good for you!! I hope your fb friends appreciate this! And I really like you, that you talk about what you care about. Just don’t flood my feed. Cause what I care about is bands, parties, people’s pictures about what they are doing, vacations, real stuff. I don’t like personal beliefs, endless memes, and any other shite in my feed. Like I said, good for for you and your fb friends! If you were my fb friend, you would be in the definite ‘hide’ group- like my parents lol

Judi's avatar

I had this argument on FB with a former friend. She actually said that undocumented aliens should be turned away at emergency rooms.
When I said, “you would just let them die?”
She responded “Tough love.”
She was also über Christian.

trailsillustrated's avatar

^ I probably would not block this because I would find it interesting..snap.. when the word ‘alien’ is used, I thin of space!! I had to think of that twice!! yeah, I woulda for sure unfriended her

livelaughlove21's avatar

Sounds like trouble. What does it matter? You have your beliefs and that have theirs. I say keep political views off of FB, especially if you’re going to pose this “question” as a condescending attack against an entire religion, which is what it is.

KNOWITALL's avatar

If you posted on fb I think you’d get some answers but I also think you’d lose a few friends, just like here on fluther. I am happy to answer some of these for you via PM, from my pov.

elbanditoroso's avatar

The only comment I have – which will not answer your direct questions – is that Facebook is forever . Once you write it, it may as will be in stone.

Do not write anything on Facebook that you wouldn’t want to have thrown back in your face in 20–30 years…

Neodarwinian's avatar

” Can someone help me reconcile these contradictions?” ”

What contradictions?

Because religion is man made why are you surprised when people act in the manner people do?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Judi That’s exactly the kind of thing I’m talking about.

But you guys are right…it would just alienate people and wouldn’t change a thing. I shan’t be posting it.

I shall continue to post, over and over, that I have no problem helping others out. I wish I could tag it with “Because I am a Christian and I believe that Jesus would do the same thing,” but I can’t.

trailsillustrated's avatar

^ you are a really nice and noble woman, but like like alotta granparents and whatnot, facebook is not your venue. It’s not a good place to visit religious beliefs, intentions, or political stance. I think you might have a misunderstanding about what social media is for. It’s not for polarizing. You are breaching fb etiquette .Sorry I know you mean well, but, wrong place, wrong time.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess_III I’m in the same position to a degree. I had a fb friend from highschool post about Muslims, pretty nasty stuff, and that the burka was from Satan. I hid her posts but am contemplating defriending her over it. I don’t like it, nor do I want to associate with it.

On the same issue, if someone were to post a lot of Anti-God ranting, I’d defriend them as well. It’s just not really the place for that.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m listening to the President’s speech from this morning on the ACA…

hug_of_war's avatar

I hide posts, and if it continues will hide all posts from people who can’t shut up about their political beliefs. I go on facebook to see what is happening in everybody’s life, to see pictures, to connect, not to get into pointless wars that will not change anyone’s mind. If you want to talk about that stuff, do it on a one-on-one or a small group setting, not with everyone you know. Or go and rant online about it.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Point taken @hug_of_war and everyone else.

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KNOWITALL's avatar

@trailsillustrated Everyone is on fb now, even gma’s, it’s all good.

It’s really not polite to call someone ‘grandma’ or tell them to get off a public site either, honey. She could just as easily tell you to get off of fluther you young thug. See?

trailsillustrated's avatar

@KNOWITALL bwa haha yo! I think if someone’s carrying on about their religious or mlm crap, yeah

KNOWITALL's avatar

@trailsillustrated Oh yeah, no text speak allowed here either, or you’ll get a PM from a mod. :) Takin’ you to school babycakes!

Dutchess_III's avatar

” I think if someone’s carrying on about their religious or mlm crap, yeah” Ha ha! You have a lot of folks to tell to get off of Fluther @trailsillustrated!

trailsillustrated's avatar

@KNOWITALL say it aint so. @Dutchess_III I apologise if I offended you. I did not mean to. You can say here what you should not say on fb, it is a different form. See?

Dutchess_III's avatar

@trailsillustrated I invite you to friend me on fb, then you can actually form a valid opinion as to whether I’m a nuisance or not. You’re going to hear a lot about my NEW 1963 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE! I am Valerie Henson Vogler Billionis.

You can say here what you should not say on fb. Um that is why I posted this question HERE in the first place. oO. Do you understand?

trailsillustrated's avatar

@Dutchess_III but eff no. my friends would think i’d gone mad and I myself could not stand the feed. If you want to talk to me, pm me here. Seriously? Do you really not understand the difference?

KNOWITALL's avatar

@trailsillustrated If you don’t ask me about religious stuff, I won’t go on and on, otherwise I may. :) #biblebeltusa

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Dutchess_III's avatar

I just invited you to peruse my page so that you could verify your certainty that I’m a “nuisance” on fb. You can just take a look, then unfriend me. You don’t have to stay. However I understand why you wouldn’t want to take the chance of being wrong.

If I posted those kinds of things all the time on fb, which, apparently, you’re assuming I do, why would I even ask this question here? The answer is, I have never posted a question like this on fb so I didn’t know what the reaction might be. Now I know and have decided against posting it, or anything like it.

I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult time understanding what I’m saying.

Now go take a look at my 1963 Volkswagen!!!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@trailsillustrated Of course doll, just playin wid ya! I don’t do that on my fb either.

jonsblond's avatar

@Dutchess_III I have never posted a question like this on fb Any of your fb friends can now google your name and find you here and read about how much they annoy you.

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Judi's avatar

Alright guys. Stop getting personal. Be nice.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@Dutchess_III well I think I just will. I like pictures and people’s cars and pikniks. Thank you for the invite.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I understand that, but so what @jonsblond? That’s what I’m saying. I don’t care.
I asked what it was THIS time because It just sounds like you’re ramping up for another rant-out-of-nowhere, but I shan’t be here.

Good @trailsillustrated! I thought I was going to have to bring it here to you! I’ve put my first bling bling on it, in the form of a lovely license plate holder. It’s all sparkly and shiny. Will get pic soon. :) My bug’s a hit around town. Having so much fun with it. :)

Anyway, question was asked, and answered and I thank you all so much!

Gotta go now.

jonsblond's avatar

I wasn’t trying to be rude @Dutchess_III. I was trying to help a sister out. You ruined any anonymity you had here by posting your full name. If you don’t care, so be it.

and rant out of nowhere? wow

KNOWITALL's avatar

@jonsblond Some of us just aren’t too concerned about hiding our true selves, that’s one of the reason’s I use my pic and not an avatar.

That would be a good question, who would care that you’re here?!

jonsblond's avatar

@KNOWITALL That would be a good question for you to ask Fluther. I’m done here.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I would post the following: “Whatsoever you do to the least of your brothers, that you do unto me.” Matthew 25:40. The words were spoken by Jesus.

I’m not a Christian, and I’m not spiritual or religious. When I find such meaningful wisdom, however, I really don’t care about the source. Sometimes, words simply make sense.

trailsillustrated's avatar

so, I am a risk taker and I added her. I am seeing just a nice page of photos, cars, and vacations. HUH!! It’s nice.

jonsblond's avatar

the inconsistency with personal attacks here amaze me. sounds like you’re ramping up for another rant-out-of-nowhere is not a personal attack? That statement came out of nowhere when all I was doing was trying to help out dutch.

ucme's avatar

Just for the record, i’ve not once read anything from @jonsblond that comes close to a rant, she comes across as mild mannered & even tempered. I know this because I have the ability to read…clever me.

chyna's avatar

I understand that, but so what @jonsblond? That’s what I’m saying. I don’t care.
@Dutchess_III So if you don’t care, why not just ask this question on fb and not here?

Also, I think your attack on @jonsblond was uncalled for.

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Seaofclouds's avatar

[Mod says] Please keep things civil. This is social, but it is not about who is or isn’t ranting. Please try to keep the conversation on point and not turn it into a bashing session for anyone. Thank you!

DWW25921's avatar

Clearly, you are anti-Christian. Your question was riddled with that sentiment. Your subject is not religious, it’s a legal question. I will answer it on that vein as being a Christian is a moot point when it comes to law. Ok, sending people home that are trespassing is not cruel. They are not our problem. Allowing an inept government to run something as big as national healthcare is absolutely foolish. I’ll expound…

Illegal aliens are criminals. They broke the law and should be deported. There are lots of folks that come to the US legally and they are more than welcome to use our services. Why are you of the impression the US should feel obligated to help criminals? If they’re really that bad off than why can’t they make the passage legally? It’s really not that hard.

The “affordable healthcare act” is a disaster waiting to happen. It will not help anyone. It will bankrupt the country and add a huge volume of patients to an already understaffed healthcare system. The government screws up everything it touches and backing a government controlled healthcare bill is foolish. Your comment, “opposed to tangibly helping people who are less fortunate than themselves via the Affordable Care Act” is very naive. Opposing this bill has nothing to do with being in a religion. It has to do with keeping America financially solvent.

On to your main question;

“What do you think the reaction will be if I post the following question on fb?”

Personally, I would think you’re a troll making cheap shots at Christians by using overly emotionally charged points you know nothing about. I would unfriend you for being petty and annoying.

gondwanalon's avatar

Your problem is simple. You think that ObamaCare is about helping the poor get health care. However ObamaCare is actually all about breaking the back of capitalism under a mountain of debt. Its main purpose has little to do with health care.

trailsillustrated's avatar

@gondwanalon what? I am Australian but have a few beloved in the US, that is scary is it true?I know when I lived there it was pretty much, no healthcare

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ragingloli's avatar

It will prolly have the same effect as on here, likely worse.
Post it immediately.

ucme's avatar

The inconsistency with topic editing is truly fucking laughable, just to expand further on @jonsblond‘s point.
I just had world war 3 removed & yet shit like retarded names & a lot more, stays.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Mods, you’re slippin’.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] Saying someone is ranting out of nowhere, while not nice, is not a personal attack. Calling names, though, is. The mod team is in agreement with the removals in this thread.

Now, please, let’s get back to the discussion at hand.

DWW25921's avatar

@augustlan Can the discussion be afoot? See what I did there? I’m so clever!

I think the question has wording issues as it implies something which has nothing to do with the topic it presents. It’s very contradictory and awkward to answer as it is written. I mean, implying that Christians are against Obama Care is like implying that only Islamists blow up school buses. Such implications are inflammatory in and of themselves. To add the guilt trip about illegal aliens not being treated like legal Americans… wow… Anyway, I can understand why there would be a lot of negativity in this thread.

Sometimes it’s hard to stay civil when someone goes on about something ridiculous. I think I handled it the best way I could in my answer above. I tried to be firm yet respectful by taking the high road.

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Mama_Cakes's avatar

I’m backing, @jonsblond here.

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Mama_Cakes's avatar

Hey, at least it was up for a second.

augustlan's avatar

[mod says] If you want to appeal a moderation decision, please do so by PM. Let’s not have any more discussion of this in the thread, please.

DWW25921's avatar

@jonsblond Use words like “special” as it sounds more pleasant. For example, “Did you forget your special helmet today?” Everyone will know that you question their intellectual stature. As many people wear special helmets this is not as inflammatory as cursing. Also, people loose credibility when they resort to using certain words that others would consider uncouth. Therefore, I would suggest replacing them with wit.

For example, “Why pound your highchair, let daddy feed you with wisdom.” See, that’s literary genius. You could also say something like, “Did you make that up all by yourself or have you been watching to much youtube?” See, that jab implies that the intended isn’t capable of their own thoughts or ideas.

Passive aggression can’t be called a personal attack when it’s properly written as you’ll have the option to deny and alter intent at your leisure. Anyway, I hope that helps!

FutureMemory's avatar

The whining and bitching in this thread is really disheartening. Maybe it’s that time of the month for a few of you?

viragorider's avatar

I think those who have Facebook are sacrificing intelligence for mindless entertainment.

jonsblond's avatar

@FutureMemory Thank you for showing your true colors

Blondesjon's avatar

Shock and awe.

Ain’t nobody ever been dat bold on Facebooks before.

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