A book loving jelly and a venomous antidote one? Now where did they go?
Asked by
September 28th, 2013
Have they left? I hope not!
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26 Answers
I’ve no idea who you’re talking about.
I saw poison antidote post something the other day.
Not sure who the book loving one is.
bookish1? Hey this makes me wonder.. has there ever been a jelly guessing game? Anyway..
I was missing poisonedantitode a fair bit myself. Glad to see him post recently.
Do you mean @bookish1? Busy in France, maybe?
Bookish (I’ll assume it’s him) is busy studying/working in France as I recall.
Yes, bookish is in France.
Remember, you can always check a profile to see how recent the person’s latest visit was.
bookish1: August 9, 2013
poisonedantidote: September 27, 2013
@Jeruba Lol I hadn’t even thought of that. I was looking in the questions in order to get some type of estimate, when it was right there in front of my face. ’‘facepalm’’
I also miss the jelly-character from Harry Potter.
^ Who’s that?
Naming people is okay, as long as it’s positive mentions, right?
Wow, that was ever so simple.
Oh…of course. I miss her, too. I haven’t seen her since she resigned from being mod :/
@Jeruba At least, we know the antidote must have worked for poisoned. Maybe it just took awhile to kick in. Hopefully bookish1 is just having fun in France (easily done there) and otherwise curled up reading some good books. I’ll truly miss Bookish1 and Bellatrix if they decide not to return.
@wildpotato Last seen in July. Another Jelly death to be mourned.
Sent a message to Bellatrix on FaceBook, seein wuddup. she had a kick ass vacation in my province though :D
@ETpro, jelly death? What do you mean?
By jelly death I really hope he just means someone who left the site for some reason or another, and did not actually pass away.
So many jellies are missing in action. I do think about them often and wonder where the heck they are. I like to think Bookish is living it up in gay Paree! and therefore does not have time to be here.
Bookish is studying in France.
@Jeruba and @Symbeline Yes. Poor choice of words on my part. I meant nothing more than Fluthere members who are no longer active here.
Sup yall, got a reply from Bellatrix. She,‘s just fine, she decided to take a break, and she’s overloaded with work. I already knew about the work thing, should have probably mentioned that as a possibility. Anyways, she plans to drop by and say hi when her work quiets down a little.
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