Should we go for the jelly guessing game as somebody suggested in a post?
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September 28th, 2013
Who is ready to get the ball rolling? Guess the jelly…...
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237 Answers
Who is the fuming lolicon?
Who is someone’s better half?
Milo or one of the blondejohns?
The thick skinned mammal in a chamber?
Misplaced in Eden?
Will we ever know whether she is summoned or being summoned?
Who is the seldom seen Ursidae.
Who is the maternal pastry?
Who is the diminutive fantasy with wings?
Who is the Shakespearian luau?
Who is the sweet candy bar?
@psst, @chyna, I know, but I couldn’t come up with the answer. My bad.
Who’s the sandwich monger?
Sharkespearian luau is @Hawaiijake!
“Shark-spearian” hey…I kinda like that typo. lol
@Coloma Bob. Or… Bob or _bob. What ever.
Who is the Queen of all Nursery Rhymes.
Who is Real in every sense of the word?
Let’s play Scrabble
Who has a headache?
Headhurts. :)
@ZEPHYRA, RealEyesRealizeRealLies?
Whose name has a month in it?
^ Augustlan.
Who longs to be a lawn chair?
And “queen of all nursery rhymes?”
Who is the cute little ovum?
^ Eggie?
Clue: Born and raised in upstate NY
And I want the answer to @Dutchess_III‘s riddle :)
Is Coloma the Queen of all Nursery Rhymes – Mother Goose??
And – Adirondackwannabe.
For queen of nursery rhymes, all I could think was @Coloma, because she’s a Mother Goose.
‘Do as a say, not as I do’ Station
Yes, Coloma aka Mother Goose
Lawn Chair….I know this one….thinking….Get Off My Lawn? (Wait..that was an old wis.dmer.) Thinking…
..Just went through my jelly list. Lordy I could get obscure! But I shan’t. And I didn’t get a clue to the Lawn Chair.—
“CWHUT?.... I didn’t hear you! CWHUT????
Lawn chair is Adirondack.
Cyanotic Wasp of the United States. Our own blue hornet.
Adirondack wants to be a lawn chair? Well….that’s ok. I want to be a cow.
For those who are confused, Adirondack is a brand of lawn chairs as well as a range of mountains.
Oh…of course. I can picture those chairs in my mind, now.
We need some rules here. Like, TJBM. You have to at least try to guess the clue above you. If you can’t, pass it on until somebody gets it? Or pass it on and then give a clue for another jelly you have in mind? Something.
Clue: This jelly won’t take a paycheck.
Will work for chocolate!
This jelly used to be worried, now he’s got a rabbit’s foot.
Right Seek!
This jelly used to be worried, now he’s got a rabbit’s foot. Lucky Guy
Won’t get what happened in the past until the future.
This jelly is utterly calm, every time.
Uhhhhhhhhh…......not me, fer sure! (Waiting on janbb…)
Savoir Faire
This Jelly is a mildly soft breeze.
—-^^^ Haha..maybe, dunno.—
This jelly has wrinkly gray skin and a long memory
Pacyderm in the Room (but he’s already been done!)
This Jelly didn’t think about it.
Oh. Well…blame it on only one cup of coffee this morning, so far. lol
Another hint – the Captain of Buddhist enlightenment.
^ Imadethisupwithnoforethought and thorninmud?
new clue: looking for a logical ritual
Yes to Imadethisupwithnoforethought.
The author of Fiction Diction.
Ok, mine was Zen. I’ve run out of non-giveaway hints. Lol.
Crap! You gave up too soon @Seek_Kolinahr! I thought @longgone had it with Thorninmud (Although I didn’t see it for myself.) We need rules.
Clue: Futuristic Brown.
When you DON’T launch a boat.
A slow boat to Chyna? lol
Hunger Games Trilogy character?
This Jelly is the smartest Jelly here….
Up for debate as it’s a contest between Jeruba, Gailcalled and marinelife…..
@Katniss mattbrown or the young moderator?
When you DON’T launch a boat is not “Slow boat to Chyna!”
When do you not launch a boat?
A jelly thats been gone for awhile, that sported the title of “lengthiest verbose postings of all time.” ?
Ooh, @Coloma, you’re making the old noodle work…
But Hippie Central is still here @Coloma! :)
Tropical Willie – when you don’t launch a boat?
And wundayatta for most verbose.
Alright…another clue. When you don’t launch a boat, and it has something to do with the moon.
Ding, ding…@janbb is the winna….
@Dutchess_III I bet you’re a blast to play charades or Pictionary with. lol
YES @Coloma! I thought I was gonna have to draw a freakin’ pictcha and didn’t know how I was going to do that here!
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I got one…wow, fancy that! lol
Okay…hmmm…. this jelly was an antique gun fancier
Ohhhh…where’d he GO? I miss him.
This jelly makes sounds that are colors.
(This Jelly) Now you see him, now you don’t.
Not who I was thinking of @janbb….but that was one helluva guess! Judges..should we count it?
rebbel, rebbel! Where is that guy, anyway?
Computer geek with a heart of gold?
He’s been here and gone and back again several times.
Uhhhhh…I know…I know….wait….
Jerv is a geeky sweetheart.
Not thinking of him.
‘Nother hint: Myrna Loy and——————-
Well, we’re going for a Jelly’s name here but you’re on the right track.
Next one: sapphire colored liberty?
Multicolored A’s in different fonts is this jelly’s avatar.
The singer Miss Carey’s first name?
This jelly has a phone named after them
^^^ Clue # 2…there is also a fruit named after them
@Coloma an exotic fruit named after them?
Oh wait…...@Coloma – Blackberry?????
Ooh, I got one…alien whore.
@ucme you will have to add one more clue!
@ZEPHYRA Not just yet, give others a shot at glory.
The answer’s right there in those two little words, easy really.
I got it! I got it!
It’s ETPro!!
@janbb Haha, you know, I almost put in my last post that you’d get it if you were here & voila :)
@ZEPHYRA Yes, Blackberry! Zing!
This jelly is named after a type of salsa
This Jelly loves birds and homeschooling.
Ahem, I have one, quit queue jumping ya heathens!
@janbb Yes!
Hmmm..birds and homeschooling….
I had a clue ahead of yours it’s up there look.
So, we start over.
This jelly is a capital brainiac.
Who died, Washington Irving or the jelly in Q.?
@ucme More clues please
She knew there’d be large letters, obviously.
Dr Lawrence. Finally got one!
When does mine get an answer then?
Hang on…It didn’t realize it was a clue @ucme.
Bangs head on desk, seems you’re not the only one.
That’s twice now mine has been overlooked, it’s only a daft game, but c’mon.
@ucme I knew it was a clue but haven’t figured it out. Still thinking…..doesn’t mean the game has to stop.
@janbb Does too, I want my cigarettes Nurse Ratched…I want something done! :D
Nope, not the point of the game.
But someone died recently….he was young. Who was it @janbb? hands @UCME a pillow.
Everephebe died. But does that connect with the clues?
Help us, it is getting more confusing!
A talented linguist who thanks people from the bottom of his heart!
Waiting breathlessly on @ucme…
“Only nice people answer.”
Okay, to recap…
Capital brainiac, she knew there’d be large letters, obviously.
One give away clue coming up…
@ucme I keep thinking Augustlan because of her A’s but I’m not sure that’s what you mean.
@janbb Not her, this jelly scores 100% on every quiz.
So is our beloved UCME going to clear the storm or has it gone over my head?
Got it – I think! KNOWITALL?
@janbb Shoots it out the park…eventually ;-}
Capital, large letters, she knew, 100%, brainiac…easy when you know.
The lady who owns the box/jar that once opens, there’s no telling what can come out of this mythological container!
Fluther’s biggest Star Trek fan (I hope they haven’t already been done in this game).
Monarchy from the Netherlands!
This Jelly shares a name with a member of a rock band and a beginning level school curriculum.
HEY, IS IT OVER? Come on help us find Katniss’ riddle!!!!
aww I wish I was here for this
@dxs help us so we can go on, seems everyone has given up!
Who’s name consists of 3 letters that aren’t j, c, and a?
I’m still waiting on This Jelly shares a name with a member of a rock band and a beginning level school curriculum.
A fowl book.
I don’t know if this is right, but could it be bookish1?
If so, here’s my offering: this jelly is royalty times three. (I hope it’s not been done before)
FYI: if you press the F3 key, a box will appear on the bottom of your screen where you can enter the characters of whatever you want to search for on this or any other page. E.g., I’ll enter “royalty times three” to see if it appears on this page.
I entered the above phrase and it only appears in this and @snowberry‘s post.
Rarebear but he’s been done before. Is there another name you were thinking of? Or maybe it’s OK to mention the same one with a new description?
This jelly has headgear.
@snowberry Oh no, I didn’t see that it had been done. Yes, that is correct.
This game is making my brain hemorrhage.
Clue #2
He’s a newer Jelly. What is the last name of the lead singer of Cheap Trick?
This English jelly is a TV star, famous on both sides of the Atlantic.
He’ll never reveal his true identity though…sshh :)
I am not sure if @Katniss’ clue actually works for the jelly I’m thinking of. I’ll give another clue of my own.
Clue #3. This Jelly works in an emergency room. (Come on, you can’t miss it this time).
Drhrat…or….what @snowberry? I don’t know how to spell it!
(You didn’t have to call me ‘royalty’. You could have simply said, “Queen of the Universe,” or something a little more understated than ‘royalty.’ :}~
I’m still looking for guesses for “No bull in this shop.”
“No bull in this shop…” Chyna!
This jellys name is a play on a spice pod
A spice that grows in pod form
^^^Smart ass! I thought you were referring to a game. OK, thinking…..
^^^ LOL…no..a member named after this spice that grows in pod form.
Clue #2
What is needed to play poker and what we call a female with children.
Kardamom (the spice is cardamom), and it grows in pods.
What jelly’s name is actually a small town in California?
Double zing! for both of you guys, Dutchess & Katniss!
Humphrey Bogart, Cary Grant, James Stewart, Marlon Brando, Fred Astaire, Henry Fonda, Clark Gable, James Cagney, Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn, Bette Davis, Audrey Hepburn, Ingrid Bergman, Greta Garbo, this jelly likes ‘em all.
This jelly might end up stuck in a lions paw and is no stick in…..
We don’t know what her name means but she is one classy and intelligent lady!
Second clue: Cross your t’s and dot your i’s around her.
GailCalled @janbb.
Clue: Cool Readings.
Nope. She’s been done already. Guess again.
This jelly likes it spicy.
picante. She’s been done.
I tried searching using the F3 thingy but it didn’t bring up the name. Sorry.
No problem. The game’s been getting so long it’s probably hard to find who’s been done.
Okay…this jelly’s name is a color in a foreign language
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