What is the strangest place you have ever attended a funeral?
Asked by
chyna (
September 29th, 2013
I attended a funeral yesterday at a golf course. It seemed very appropriate as he was an avid golfer.
Where is the strangest place you have attended or just heard of a funeral taking place?
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11 Answers
Well, the bathroom goldfish incident comes to mind… Why do we flush fish instead of burying them? Anyway, that’s all I got.
Haha, a funeral at a golf course, I hope they were buried out of bounds.
My grandmothers actual funeral was at a funeral home, but right afterward, we all boarded a giant bus and traveled three hours away to have a big party at her favorite seafood restaurant at the beach. It was a great experience, full of signing and laughter. What a way to go out!
@augustlan I agree. I don’t want everyone all sad at my funeral. I hope they make it a celebration of my time on earth.
Yes, heh..funny. Did they bury him in the sand trap? lol
No memorable funerals for me involving humans anyway.
I’ve had a few memorable pet funerals though.
Too bad we can’t just bury people in the backyard or out in a pretty field.
My best friend died when I was 30. I found out he really was a Buddhist (which I thought was just something he said to pick up chicks). I went to a Buddhist temple. Where his family told me they were so glad I came and they were Presbyterians, and invited me to their service. Which was a 500 mile drive to a small town. On my way home, his girlfriend (who he had only been dating for 2 months) insisted I stay at her place, on long island, and she took me to an outdoor party that went on for 36 hours.
A place called Toon Funeral Home….all that’s weird about it is the name
Was the owner named Lonnie? lol
I attended a memorial service in a lesbian bar in San Francisco. There was quite a crowd of friends of all persuasions. The deceased’s eight cats were there too.
I wanna pool party when I pop my clogs, that would be awesome.
laid out on a pool table in a biker bar—
Then there was the drive-thru funeral home – only lasted about a year – pull up under an overhang, the casket was tilted so you could see the departed – it rotated when the car hit a point in the driveway—- very strange
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