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ucme's avatar

So, what do YOU have sitting on the dashboard of your car?

Asked by ucme (50052points) September 29th, 2013

I don’t care if it rains or freezes, long as I got my plastic Jes…ahem, yeah, do carry on.

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41 Answers

Headhurts's avatar

We don’t have anything on ours.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here:Me

Neodarwinian's avatar


I would consider anything going there except religious symbols, but it never occurs to me to put anything there.

muppetish's avatar

Expired parking permits from school.

marinelife's avatar

Nothing but dust.

ucme's avatar

Hey, I got 7 answers, that’s 1…2…3…7 more than I expected! :)

RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

<—- Got’s nuthin’ on the dash. Ain’t even gots a dash.

Rebuilding a 1986 Lincoln Continental. I’ve removed the dashboard to install custom kit. I took my friend to Wallgreens to buy some cold medicine. Undercover cops were waiting for us in the parking lot hoping bust us as meth dealers. Apparently those blokes like to hide their goodies inside the dashboards of pimped out vintage Lincolns.

It’s been a while since I had a strange man’s hands rubbah dubbing on my privies. They let us go after the dogs thoroughly sniffed Conti, my friend, and myself up and down.

Katniss's avatar

lol Just dust and occasionally my shades.

Sunny2's avatar

Nada. Even if I put something there temporarily, it falls of when the car starts moving.

DWW25921's avatar

Snoopy PEZ dispenser.

JLeslie's avatar


DWW25921's avatar

@JLeslie You need a PEZ dispenser. Adds character. Great conversation piece. Give it a try.

JLeslie's avatar

I have a PEZ dispenser, just not on my dash. Nothing should be on the dash. Crash and stuff goes flying. Especially stuff in the back behind the back seat on the back dash. That can decapitate people in a front end crash.

@ucme Plastic what?

augustlan's avatar

Nothing but dust on mine, either. I can’t stand to have anything reflecting in the windshield or sliding around while I’m driving. I even hate the fact that my state makes us display our inspection stickers on the windshield. It’s distracting!

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Nothing back or front. I’ve been in enough accidents to know that.

janbb's avatar

Frodo’s paw prints.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@janbb I’d love my dog’s paw prints on the dash or nose prints on the windows.

janbb's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Yup, getting him used to riding shotgun.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

My dogs were abandoned before they found me and never got to ride in a car. Plus they were starving and they ate a lot of poop. I thought I’d give them a ride and see how they did. They hurled enormous amounts of poop vomit into the backseat of my s/o’s car. Guess how gross that was to clean?

jerv's avatar

A little Buddha statue. Not for religious reasons, but for the significance of that particular statue.

Seek's avatar

Stickers, duct tape, and a small pile of day passes to the county parks.

filmfann's avatar

Nothing but dust. Not even a FastPass.

ucme's avatar

@JLeslie Hmm, not sure anyone’s been decapitated by a newspaper, that would make the headlines.
Also, plastic Jesus, it’s a song Paul Newman sings in Cool Hand Luke.
Cheers folks, good stuff.

JLeslie's avatar

@ucme Of course it depends upon what is on the dash. A newspaper is not as dangerous as a Harry Potter book for instance.

Judi's avatar

what’s a plastic Jes?
Edit. Just saw @ucme ‘s response above but I still don’t really get it.

ucme's avatar

In the song, Newman is grieving the death of his mother & the lyric suggests a small plastic figurine of Jesus placed upon the dashboard of his car gives him solace, his faith helps him grieve.
I mentioned it in my details as a joke, no idea it’d turn into the spanish inquisition, but there you go.

janbb's avatar

There’s another song by the satirist Tom Lehrer that I can’t find a link to. It goes:

“I don’t care if it rains or freezes,
Long as I got my plastic Jesus,
sitting on the dashboard of my car…”

ucme's avatar

That’s the same song

janbb's avatar

@ucme Not according to the link that Seek gave. And there’s no Newman grieving his mother in Lehrer’s song. Maybe the more modern song took off from Lehrer’s.

janbb's avatar

@ucme Yup – that’t the song but Seek’s link came up for me with some song by Clutch called Space Grass or something.

ucme's avatar

@janbb Yeah, me too, but that’s my point proved for those who stated they didn’t get it..

Seek's avatar

Oh yeah, mine was totally off the discussion. Spacegrass is just an awesome song.

wildpotato's avatar

A snail finger puppet to cover the Check Engine light, several pieces of beach glass, a few shells, a cool rock I found with iron ore in it, and a tiny salt scoop.

Judi's avatar

Did someone create a whole new identity just to answer this question?

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