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talljasperman's avatar

Has anyone played Dungeons and Dragons long enough to use the wish or miracle?

Asked by talljasperman (21926points) September 29th, 2013

Have you ever had fun… either in a real game or a video game using the wish spell? In Baldur’s gate two I got to use a boring limited wish spell.

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8 Answers

Seek's avatar

I think the only time I ever had it, I used it to up my STR to 19. Nothing crazy.

Imadethisupwithnoforethought's avatar

Can I derail for a second? I tried to introduce my kids to d&d recently and there are so many new versions I couldn’t even figure out what to teach them. Is there still an AD&D standard?

Berserker's avatar

Played it for a good number of years, (table top) but never got that. Apparently it’s the only way to beat the Tarrasque. dun quote me

talljasperman's avatar

@Symbeline Yes. You wish that the Tarrasque never woke up.

Seek's avatar

I still play first edition, and most people are fairly happy with 3 and 3.5.

In my opinion, 4e it’s for lazy kids who don’t want to do math, and expect tabletop games to function like video games.

jerv's avatar

Yes, but with a DM that was really into “be careful what you wish for” and quite adept at arguing semantics well enough to twist anything. I forget what I used it on, but I remember that the phraseology read like pure legalese with enough sub-clauses and such that I was the only one in my party that didn’t get totally screwed by my wish. The others… not so lucky.

Rarebear's avatar

I’m actually not a fan of being that high level. I much prefer low to mid level games that don’t involve much magic.

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