Social Question

When you hear what the CEO's of national organizations like Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts make, does it make you not want to participate in their organizations?
My daughter had been a Girl Scout. The organization always looks to parents (in the guise of having girls do it) sell products, magazine subscriptions, etc. They set goals for each girl and I often see Girl Scouts in front of supermarkets and area stores, with tables, selling their cookies and products. I know the Boy Scouts do the same. In addition, uniforms, etc. all are premium costs, in other words, you purchase them from a central location and there are no sale prices.
In discussing this with a friend of mine, because my daughter recently told me she no longer wants to be a Girl Scout, my friend told me her daughter used to sell for their troop, and my friend felt bad for the girls outside in the cold all day, with their table of stuff to make money for the troop. Then, my friend told me she googled the CEO of Girl Scouts and found out she makes big bucks.
Being a cynic, I googled it myself and found that currently, the CEO of GS makes about $442,000. I got this info from Charity Navigator. I am sure the Boy Scouts President makes something similar, if not more. That means that all of the high ranking administration makes large compensations, and probably bonuses, too. The head of the regional chapter of GS makes about $125,000, which, around here, is good but nothing outrageous. Still, you have to sell a lot of cookies and magazine subscriptions to pay those salaries.
Yes, GS and BS are fun for many kids. However, the troops all work hard, pressuring parents to purchase, pressuring kids to set and make goals, and the money goes up the pyramid to the top. Does it affect your opinions of the organizations when you hear what the big shots make?