Social Question

ucme's avatar

Who's going to play with the T-Rex now then?

Asked by ucme (50052points) October 1st, 2013

With this partial government shutdown & temporary closure of the Smithsonian, poor Rexy.

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13 Answers

marinelife's avatar

Just the security guards.

ucme's avatar

Let’s hope they’re still working, for Rexy’s sake at least.

rojo's avatar

i’d rather keep the Smithsonian open and shut down Congress.
Talk about unnecessary personnel.

janbb's avatar

Library of Congress is shut down.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Well, then nobody can rent a book.

Did you all know the government shut down briefly in 1996? I didn’t.

tedibear's avatar

The federal governement has shut down on 18 occasions since 1976

YARNLADY's avatar

To me, the saddest part of this whole thing is closing the National Parks. It actually costs more to do that then leaving them open would be. The people who are already there have 48 hours to pack up and leave.

I pity the tourist who flew in from another country, drives all the way to Yosemite or Yellowstone only to find it closed.

ucme's avatar

I shall prey for Yogi & little Boo Boo too :(

rojo's avatar

I have found the answer and This is it. Now, where did we put that darned Queen?

flutherother's avatar

We can’t see T-Rex but we have got T-Party instead. They are dinosaurs too.

Dutchess_III's avatar (random postings….Well, it’s by Joe Tex. Which rhymes with Rex…)

DWW25921's avatar

@flutherother I know quite a few Democrats that are still clinging to the memories of Truman. It’s not being in touch with reality, no matter what the party. I think if people were really honest about what they believe and just bothered to check out the alternatives than the republocrats would just dissipate like a bad dream.

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