What's your favorite Monty Python sketch or line?
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DWW25921 (
October 1st, 2013
And now for something completely different…
Not everyone likes the Pythons but they did pave the way for other great comedic groups. Kids in the Hall was awesome, for example. I also see a little of the Pythons silly “slap stick” style in the Red Green Show. I would love to know your thoughts!
My favorite sketch has to be the “dead parrot!” “It’s bleeding demised!” That’s just good stuff! My all time favorite line is, “What manner of man are you who can summon up fire without flint nor tinder?” (While the guy randomly blows stuff up and they clap…)
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66 Answers
@gailcalled I love the silly walks! I see references to that sketch from time to time floating around. True classic!
@WestRiverrat Tee he he he yeah! spam spam spam spam Wonderful SPAM!!!! “I don’t like SPAM!”
@Hawaii_Jake Yup. Mine too!
Silly Walks and Dead Parrot for sure, but I think what stays with me the most is simply “And now for something completely different.”
Also Confuse-a-Cat and “Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition.”
“You smell like baby bottoms!”
“I wave my private parts at your auntie!”
@drhat77 Why for you quench my flame? (sigh) “Alright kids, you’re having too much fun! Out of the pool! It’s time for recreational math problems!”
@marinelife YES!!!!!!!!!!!! Bah ha ha ha ha!!!!!
@Michael_Huntington That’s one of their earlier sketches… Good stuff!
@filmfann I used to have that memorized…
@gondwanalon I read somewhere once that that’s where the word “morning” came from. Literally waking up in “mourning” to find dead relatives. That could be total crap, I just don’t feel like looking it up again.
“I’ll bite yer knee caps off!”
@ragingloli: the Vorpal Bunny, in “Holy Grail”?
(I’m guessing that you know where the made-up word “vorpal” comes from.)
I don’t think I have a single favorite… but I always kind of liked this one.
There’s a penguin on the tele
Spam spam spam, I am from Hawaii.
So many.
“Come In”
“No, open the door and come in”
“Listen, strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government”
“Bloody Peasants”
“Fred, We’ve got an eater”
“He’s pining in the fjords.”
“Nudge, nudge, wink, wink, no what I mean? Say no more.”
The Lumberjack Song
My favourite is the Parrot Sketch of course, but my second favourite is How not to be seen
“Mr Nesbit has learned the first lesson of Not Being Seen – not to stand up. However he has chosen a very obvious piece of cover…” BOOM!
Everyone keeps coming up with awesome stuff! Thanks for the walk down memory lane! I… I want more! :)
Well, dearie, I liked this one too: The Bed Shop.
If we keep this up, we’ll assemble an entire retrospective, won’t we?—with the bonus that we’ll have a chance to see if our senses of humor have changed much in 40 or so years.
I guess mine hasn’t.
@filmfann I love that man. “better… get me a bucket.”
“Would it help to confuse it if we ran away some more?”
“Three days to bury a cat?”
“Yes, he wouldn’t keep still, howling and wriggling about”
“Have you got all the stuffing up one end?”
@ucme Your links lead to This one that I don’t believe I have ever seen.
That’s why I stay here, you learn something new every day!
Oh, this is absurd. There is no choosing a favorite. The entire series is brilliant. You could link to them all.
“What’s on the telly?”
“It’s a penguin”
“What’s ee doin?”
Penguin Sketch
And, this gem (I paraphrase):
“The BBC would like to apologize for the use of repetition in this program”
“The BBC would like to apologize for the use of repetition in this program”
“The BBC would like to apologize for the use of repetition in this program”
“The BBC would like to apologize for the use of repetition in this program”
And so on and so on….
Rather than link them all, I think I might watch them, got most of them on dvd.
@ucme Can you recall the name of the sketch in which Eric Idle is sitting on a stool singing and strumming a guitar, when a woman walks in and starts ripping his clothes off? I’ve always had a wee crush on Mr. Idle, so I enjoyed that sketch, but I can’t recall the name of the sketch or the song he was singing.
For some reason I’m absurdly pleased to learn that so many of my fellow flutherfolk vividly recall Monty Python, and with such obvious relish. From the very first episode of the first show broadcast on WGBH in Boston, we knew we were seeing something completely different.
@Kardamom, it was always Graham Chapman for me.
@Kardamom Wow, that’s pretty obscure, I vaguely recall the sketch, but no idea of it’s title.
Did you ever see any of the Python spin off shows?
Rutland Weekend Television (Idle) & Ripping Yarns (Palin/Jones)
I maintain that Ripping Yarns was better than Python, just about the funniest show ever.
And of course Fawlty Towers!
I’ve never enjoyed a question so much before! Faulty towers is great, I think there were a few others. Anyone know where the boys are now?
Well, Graham Chapman died in 1989.
@whitenoise Fawlty Towers wasn’t so much a spin off, fantastic though it was. Such a shame only a dozen episodes were made. Ripping Yarns just has the edge though, for me anyway.
@Jeruba I thought Graham and Michael Palin were very cute too.
I had the pleasure of seeing Eric Idle at a Beatlefest a number of years ago in Los Angeles, when he played with his “band” The Rutles. I almost wet myself.
Then I saw him again at the Hollywood Bowl when he starred in the musical version of Life of Brian, called He’s Not the Messiah, He’s a Very Naughty Boy. It was fantastic.
@ucme I do recall seeing a couple of Ripping Yarns. Didn’t care much for Fawlty Towers.
I did like another British show, of the same era, called The Goodies.
Some (everyone?) may consider this heresy, but I am starting to find it all rather dated. Even reruns of Fawlty Tower look gray and wrinkly.
@Kardamom Ha, The Goodies wasn’t in the same league as Python, daft knockabout fun though…”ooh, ooh, ooh, the funky gibbon.”
@ucme You’re right, they were more slap-stick than cerebral comedy, but I thought both Tim Brooke-Taylor and Bill Oddie were very cute!
Goodies Theme Song
@ragingloli; i found that tedious and not amusing at all. The whole thing looked ad-libbed.
@gailcalled They had a few bad sketches… I must admit. But for the most part they’re awesome!
They were certainly original and hilarious in their day, and had (have) a much longer shelf life than most TV and movies. I stick to my recent response above.
I’d like a shrubbery… Not to expensive…
@ucme Oh my, thank you so much for that! i’d totally forgotten about that sketch. It was so cute!
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