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rojo's avatar

Atheist, agnostics, would this convince you to convert and become a theist? (Details inside)

Asked by rojo (24187points) October 2nd, 2013

I found This on the web. They have prayers, commandments and even “proofs” to back up their claim. Peruse the list and tell me if this would be convincing enough for you to believe.

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33 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

If you think I’m touching another question like this for a while, no way.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Wait – it’s October. It isn’t April Fools Day.


rojo's avatar

Aw, cumon @Adirondackwannabe give it a go. I promise it won’t hurt..

Coloma's avatar


RealEyesRealizeRealLies's avatar

Great… a god I can unplug.

kritiper's avatar

No way! I am a devout Atheist, not a rainy day Atheist!

tups's avatar

I haven’t see the link, but I’d like to say that agnostics can be theists.

ETpro's avatar

I’ll have to Google for an answer to this one. They present some pretty tough-to-debunk apologetics.

tinyfaery's avatar

Nice to know google is a she.

jca's avatar

I’m with @Adirondackwannabe on this.

janbb's avatar

Hey – I’ll believe in anything that allows my son and his family to live in Paris! Even if Google is actually Lucifer.

jca's avatar

I want to live in Big Sur, all expenses paid, only if I have a piece of property overlooking the water, earthquake proof, and fully insured. Can I get that if I believe in whatever you want me to believe in?

rojo's avatar

@jca you will have to go through the link to find out. The only guarantee I can make is that you will be able to ask for everything you mention and WILL receive an answer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

That’s funny! Google certainly does have all the answers!

Kardamom's avatar

I am now a believer. It was God that was channeling all of those recipes to me.

Neodarwinian's avatar

Nah, I could be become an anti-Google-ist though!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Behold! The one true god!

Neodarwinian's avatar


Nah. I asked it to integrate this function…, ( set properly in the calculator there )

int(t^3e^t) dt

and it told me, ” invalid value. ”

I know better than that, so what of your god now?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hey! It’s only human @Neodarwinian! Cut it some slack!

PhiNotPi's avatar

@Neodarwinian I entered that function into W|A, and I didn’t see “invalid value” anywhere on the page. It gave this answer for indefinite integral and this answer for definite integral.

Note: hopefully those links work for you. They should contain an image of the answer.

Blondesjon's avatar

The are only two occurrences that would convert me. One would involve the Rapture actually happening. An enormous chunk of the Earth’s population being called home simultaneously would convince me. The problem is I’m terrified that’s it’s already happened and only fifteen people were actually righteous enough to disappear.

The second would involve me personally having a lucid conversation with someone who has already been dead, come back, found me, and told me all about being dead and what happens after you die. kind of spooky thinking about that one too . . .

PhiNotPi's avatar

@all my links above appear to be broken.

Neodarwinian's avatar


” Sorry, this page does not exist on the Wolfram|Alpha site.”

This is the ” answer ” I get for an indefinite integral, as this one is since no bounds were given.

” Sorry, this page does not exist on the Wolfram|Alpha site.”

Same for the definite integral. ( how did you get an answer for a definite integral with no bounds?!? ) ( a indefinite integral return a function while a definite integral returns a number )

” They should contain an image of the answer.. ” No.

Type out the answer and I will see then.

PhiNotPi's avatar

@Neodarwinian Perhaps you just don’t believe enough. Wolfram Alpha is love, Wolfram Alpha is life. ~

ETpro's avatar

Wow! We came within one letter of being acquired by God yesterday. We must pray harder that we’ll be next.

rojo's avatar

@ETpro Perhaps we should all work on our gesture?

Berserker's avatar

Google is not conscious, therefore I cannot put my faith in it as one would God. Plus Google was created by humans.…wait.

Neodarwinian's avatar


Unless I put my hand into the wound ( the answer ) I will not believe!

Judi's avatar

OK Thomas

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