Social Question

How can one prove all arranged marriages are wrong by logic other than your dislike of them?
(disclaimer) This is NOT A QUESTION about the legality of child brides or if they should be done. THIS IS A QUESTION on who has the right to tell those who believe, and partake of it they should not do so. Even though there are many examples where arranged wedding to a minor does not make sense—being the girl is too young to comprehend they are getting married, other cases they may be young but know what is going on even if they don’t like it. This IS NOT AN ENDORSEMENT OR CONDEMNATION of arranged marriage but highlighting differences and how people try to filter what is right or not based on WHERE THEY LIVE and like; which may not match up with what another part of the world thinks.—
I read online, NatGeo I believe, that in many regions (feel free to guess how many is “many”) around the globe from Afghanistan, Yemen, India, and other parts of Asia, that arranged marriages with child brides thrive. Regardless of the law some or more than some people in those regions practice arrange marriage with children as stated in the article:That in itself was risky to disclose, as in India girls may not legally marry before age 18. But the techniques used to encourage the overlooking of illegal weddings—neighborly conspiracy, appeals to family honor. Would you make a judgment on those who give their daughters away or the men who marry them? The stance of the writer is quite evident in this statement: The outsider’s impulse toward child bride rescue scenarios can be overwhelming: Snatch up the girl, punch out the nearby adults, and run. Just make it stop. Also this statement here: ..but also for the 13— and the 15-year-old sisters who were being transferred like requisitioned goods, one family to another, because a group of adult males had arranged their futures for them. If that is normal for them over there, (going off the ideal that some have that there is no normal) why should anyone get bent out of shape? I bet there are practices in the nation or community you live in that others in other countries would not approve of, do they have the right to meddle in your affairs to make you or your community or nation stop doing what you are doing? What seems like property being bartered and sold to them may be something else. Would the whole world approve of every aspect your nation has of raising children and young adults? Also as said in the text: Also from the text: Forced early marriage thrives to this day in many regions of the world —arranged by parents for their own children, often in defiance of national laws, and understood by whole communities as an appropriate way for a young woman to grow up when the alternatives, especially if they carry a risk of her losing her virginity to someone besides her husband, are unacceptable. Because in a few nations allowing your daughters to give their virginity away to anyone (in this context some jock, band geek, etc they have a fancy with but most likely will be nothing in their live 4 years down the road) is better than what they have going? The whole community is backing it, and see it as acceptable, so why would your way, if different for them be better? What if they thought drug use, condoms in school, cohabitation outside marriage, out of wedlock sex, no prayer in school, abortion, or same-sex marriages were appalling, and should not be done they are justified in trying to stop you? In many parts of the world a man who would take on a 12yr old as a bride would be called a heinous child molester, sick in the head and then some. Would you go on record to say those men in Yemen, India, Afghanistan, etc, (with 14+ million weddings a year that has to be that many men willing) pedophiles? Since it is a family and community thing would you go on record to say those communities and families are pedophile supporters?