Social Question

Dutchess_III's avatar

What was the logic behind some state's governors refusing the federal subsidy to expand medicare in their states?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47210points) October 2nd, 2013

Kansas is one of them. It would have cost the state virtually nothing for at least the next 10 years, but 20 states have refused to do it. They’re all republican, of course.

WHAT is their reasoning?

I’ve never voted for a governor before, but I’ll be the first one at the polls to vote next November.

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11 Answers

janbb's avatar

They want Obama and his health program to fail, they are afraid to try new things and they lack compassion for other people. At least, that’s my take on it.

glacial's avatar

I think it goes something like, Obama bad, freedom good, freedom = the opposite of whatever Obama thinks is a good idea.

josie's avatar

Their financial obligation is open ended. Looks good today, may be bad tomorrow. I don’t blame them. State Governors come in two categories…
1. I feel a responsibility to the future
2. Fuck the future. Just so I get my pension.
There you go.

Rarebear's avatar

Political expediency.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But it could very well cost them their next election @Rarebear.

ETpro's avatar

@josie That’s bunk. It’s federally funded for them. If that changes in the future, they are perfectly free to opt out then. The simple reason is they are Republicans. They hate anything done by Obama, and they like the idea of the landed gentry being the only people who can have anything decent. No help for their uninsured poor, thank you very much. Even if it’s free, it’s bad to give to the poor when we have so many needy millionaires and billionaires to take care of.

rojo's avatar

Here in Texas I am pretty sure it is because our governor is a dick.. Actually, his name is rick but he spells it with a silent “P”. so, same thing.

rojo's avatar

Also, da poor don’t got the money to support their (the governors) next election bid so f*ck them.

picante's avatar

Hear, hear, Rojo! Goobernor pRick knows that our poor in Texas are “being taken care of” so we don’t need no stinkin’ federal money. He’s not sure how they’re being covered, but he’s sure they are.

Seek's avatar

Those goddamn poor people should just get a second or third job so they qualify for the subsidies.

/ignoring the >15% unemployment rate in the poorer areas.

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