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ucme's avatar

Which famous person living/dead would you pick as a member here & how would your first pm look?

Asked by ucme (50052points) October 3rd, 2013

I think i’d like to see Richard Pryor or Jonathan Winters, or maybe Hitler…could be interesting.
Yes I know they’re dead, but don’t let a little thing like that get in the way.

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24 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

John Candy and Bea Arthur!

Pachy's avatar

King Solomon would make a great mod.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

John Belushi, Chris Farley, or River Phoenix. First PM: What the fuck were you thinking?

syz's avatar

Jon Stewart. And I would stalk him, endlessly.

Katniss's avatar

My choices are living.

Jimmy Howard, Henrik Zetterberg, Darren McCarty, and Manny Legace.
My first pm would say “I Lurve you, will you marry me?”

picante's avatar

Great choices above. It might be fun to have Anthony Weiner carrying the NSFW weight around here (and give ETpro a break). First PM: Carlos, Danger! Danger!

Katniss's avatar

Oh! Sydney Crosby!
My first pm would say “You’re such a whiney little bitch. Man up and quit crying.”

thorninmud's avatar

I think I’d tap Bill Bryson. He has a great sense of humor, a wonderful curiosity about the world, and a terrific knack for narrative and exposition.

As for the PM:

“Hi @billy_boy, welcome to Fluther. Please note that our writing standards prohibit “txtspk”, which is why we’ve had to remove several of your posts. Also, you may not use Fluther to promote your new book, as this is considered spamming. Thanks!”

KNOWITALL's avatar

Mark Twain & Charlotte Bronte, Belushi and G. Radner, Kurt Cobain.

Fist PM: “I love ya’ll, be my besties!”

jca's avatar

Steven Colbert.

Albert Einstein

Marie Antoinette (to hear of the ribaldry in the court).

jca's avatar

Tennessee Williams (more ribaldry and mid century gossip)

janbb's avatar

Oscar Wilde for his witty aphorisms.

“Oscar – the good news is that you get to live again. The bad news is that it’s on Fluther.”

Kardamom's avatar

Mark Twain, Jane Austen, Bill Clinton, W.C. Fields, Julia Louis Dreyfuss, Steve Harvey, Dick Button, Paul Lynde, Dame Maggie Smith, and Judge Judy.

PM: I have loved you all for reasons that are known only to me. Welcome to Fluther, let’s see if you can help some of these people.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Kardamom Judge Judy, that’s a riot! I’ll never forget an old episode where one guy was trying to get out of child support for his older kids because he couldn’t afford the new kids with the new wife. She said, “Is it your children’s fault that you got remarried and were too stupid to realize you couldn’t afford more children?” She’s hilarious!

Cupcake's avatar

@Kardamom and @KNOWITALL Judge Judy would be perfect for fluther!!!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

@KNOWITALL and @Kardamom I really like the choices that the two of you chose in common.

Kardamom's avatar

@Dr_Lawrence Ha Ha! That is kind of cool, I didn’t read anyone’s answers until after I posted, and then I noticed that @KNOWITALL and I had some picks in common.

Yes, I think Judge Judy could really be a no nonsense member, especially with the whining people who can’t figure out whether or not they should stay in a bad relationship. I can just hear her voice shouting at those people, What! Are you and idiot or do you think I’m an idiot!? I, sir, and not an idiot! That’s why I’m wearing this collar and sitting behind this desk. You sir, are an idiot if you think that Miss Pouty Lips gives a fig about you! She loves your money, not you! Now get out of my court room!”

Blondesjon's avatar

Anthony Bourdain

My first PM would be in response to one he sent me: You are entitled to your opinion @antony69 but those remarks are a reflection on my parents.

Seek's avatar

Christopher Hitchens. I could use the backup.

jca's avatar

You know who is smart and multitalented and a good writer? Steve Martin. I would add him to my list.

Katniss's avatar

@KNOWITALL Kurt Cobain?? You’re awesome!

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Katniss ha, thanks, I was pretty into grunge and still like the wild side of music quite a bit.

syz's avatar

Oooh, Steve Martin is a good one!

talljasperman's avatar

~Myself… I would give my self some good advice that I would promptly ignore.

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