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LostInParadise's avatar

Are there television and movie archives?

Asked by LostInParadise (32286points) October 3rd, 2013

Obviously there are no television archives for the early shows that did not tape. What about the others? Someone might take an interest in some of the television shows and movies that were complete flops. Are they preserved anywhere? Is there any interest in preserving old movie and television tapes by digitizing them?

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9 Answers

rockfan's avatar

Unfortunately, there’s such a thing as “lost films”. These movies were extremely minor and unpopular at the time, so they were never reproduced at the time they were made, so the original copies of the films have most likely been destroyed. That’s why the National Film Registry was created in the 80’s, so important films can be safely stored and never lost.

Pachy's avatar

This doesn’t exactly answer your question, but here you can find, in the site’s words, little known classic movies.

flutherother's avatar

The Library of Congress maintains archives of film and television programmes and they have a digitization project. It is closed for business at the moment due to the government shutdown.
@rockfan The National Film Registry selects films for preservation. They are then stored by the Library of Congress.

dabbler's avatar

The Paley Center is a television history museum and it has archives. They are reported to have 150,000 tv episodes and ads available for research.
Some of that collection is available for guests to select and watch in viewing rooms.

jaytkay's avatar

The Museum of Broadcast Communications has a collection of TV and radio shows “contains over a million digital movies uploaded by Archive users which range from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts. Many of these videos are available for free download”

jca's avatar

Museum of Television and Radio on W 57th St in NYC has a lot of stuff. You could pick a show and sit and watch it or listen to it.

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