Meta Question

JLeslie's avatar

Is it true Google bought fluther?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) October 3rd, 2013

My husband said he heard it, or saw it, on the news.

Is it true? If it is true, what do you think? Will it affect whether you come to fluther or not?

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10 Answers

janbb's avatar

It is so unlikely; why the heck would they do that? Googling the two terms just brought up stuff about Ben Finkel’s new position at Jelly and Fluther’s acquisition by Twitter.

glacial's avatar

I think this is what he was referring to. Nearly soundalikes, aren’t they?

janbb's avatar

@glacial By george, she’s got it. That makes more sense.

Buttonstc's avatar

Boy am I glad its Flutter.

When I first read you Q I just about had a coronary. Nothing good can come from Fluther being swallowed by a giant conglomerate.

ragingloli's avatar

What would they want with Fluther?
They might as well buy 4chan.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Seeing as the site is not 99% white, with 500k daily users, I’m going to guess it is not.

JLeslie's avatar

@glacial I bet that is it! LOL. I’m glad it’s not fluther.

FutureMemory's avatar

F-l-u-t-t-e-r…haha one letter off and we’d have been screwed. Too funny.

zenzen's avatar

Or rich.

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