General Question

talljasperman's avatar

(NSFW) what can men do if they have a yeast infection?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 3rd, 2013

Is their anything over the counter that they can take. Or do they need a doctors prescription. Also How can a man be sure that they have it.

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12 Answers

trailsillustrated's avatar

The same thing women do. They can use an over the counter preparation or consult a doctor, (better anyway). I don’t know how a man would be sure that that’s what it is.

Buttonstc's avatar

Yeast infections in men most commonly show up as “jock itch” or athletes foot but can also develop in folds of skin if someone is heavyset. You generally know you have it if the area itches like crazy and/or is red and inflamed. And there are plenty of OTC products.

One brand which I’ve found works every time is Lotrimin. It comes as both a cream in a tube and as a powder in a spray can. Personally, I prefer the can since the powder particles are dispersed in cooling spray. It stings like crazy for about three seconds but after that its fine and its usually cleared up and itch free by the next day.

Any moist environment is where yeast growth thrives (hence the term (jock itch) It’s more prevalent in summer’s heat and humidity. That’s when I sometimes get it beneath my breasts. But a few sprays and its fine.

Buttonstc's avatar


It really isn’t that important what it says on the can.

The one I currently have says athletes foot. My previous can said jock itch. Yeast is yeast. As long as its an anti-fungal it will get the job done

Lightlyseared's avatar

It depends where the infection is. If, as @Buttonstc suggests, its in the groin then any OTC med for athletes foot should work just be sure to follow the instructions and continue treatment after the pain, itching and redness go or it will come back. If its affecting the penis then I would go for a cream rather than a spray can (less painful and easier to apply). If you are getting recurrent infections or if the symptoms don’t go from the OTC treatment then you should probably see a doc.

seekingwolf's avatar

If it’s in the genital region, Monistat cream works well but they need to make sure that they use it as directed.

If it’s elsewhere (groin, near the legs, fat folds, etc) then they should use an anti-fungal powder. The powder will kill the yeast and keep the area dry.

snowberry's avatar

A yeast infection on the skin is normally called a fungal infection. You can also treat an area by soaking it in vinegar. That isn’t going to work if it’s in many areas, but if you have one on your feet (athelete’s foot) or an arm you can soak it in a dishpan of vinegar for 15–20 minutes at a time. If you choose to use cortisone cream, you MUST use an anti-fungal as well in the same area. Cortisone feeds yeast!

A yeast infection in the mouth is called thrush. You can treat that at home by using gentian violet. That stuff tastes nasty and stains like none other, but it works.

If it’s internal, you can greatly help matters by avoiding all sugars and following a candida diet. Your doctor can help you with the details of curing an internal yeast infection.

poisonedantidote's avatar

Just as for “external thrush cream”, they will know what you want.

I had a yeast infection last year, because I was on anti biotics for quite a long time, and the yeast got out of control. I got some Canisten external cream, and it cleared it all up within about 3 uses.

One bit of advice, ask for a cream that does not contain steroids, it is not really necessary, and will thin your skin if you use it.

Buttonstc's avatar


That’s interesting. I had no idea that men could get a penile yeast infection, but when thinking about it for half a minute, why not? Makes sense.

That’s what I love about Fluther. Learn something new all the time :)

JHUstudent's avatar

Lamisil. Or Hydrocortisone.

Lightlyseared's avatar

I probably wouldn’t put hydrocortisone cream on my penis either. :)

seekingwolf's avatar


Men can get yeast infections on their penises/groin regions if they have sex with a female who has a yeast infection. That’s why it’s so important to abstain from sex when you have a yeast infection. You can give it to the guy, treat your own infection, and then get it again if you have sex with him because the yeast will just go right back into you! My OB GYN has seen it happen way more than once.

Of course, for most men, just saying “Sorry, I can’t have sex tonight, I have a yeast infection” will be MORE than enough for them to back off and not ask again for a few days, lol.

downtide's avatar

Live yogurt works too. It has to be _live_though.

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