General Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

What was Bohemian Rapsody about? Real meaning behind the song?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) October 4th, 2013

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11 Answers

dxs's avatar

According to Wikipedia, Freddie Mercury never revealed what it was about. It seemed like it is just about a kid shooting a man and running away…perhaps not.

ucme's avatar

The band are sworn to secrecy, Freddie wrote the song about complex relationships, but he had a troubled life & the song most likely was written with that as it’s main theme.
I know he’d a love of opera from an early age & the opening sequence was his first attempt to emulate that genre.

filmfann's avatar

From the link @dxs provided:

In the explanation, Queen states that “Bohemian Rhapsody” is about a young man who has accidentally killed someone and, like Faust, sold his soul to the devil. On the night before his execution, he calls for God in Arabic, “Bismillah”, and with the help of angels, regains his soul from Shaitan.

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Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I’m guessing it was about Freddy looking for someone to love him, or maybe the secret to life, not finding it, losing hope and doing something stupid, and then realizing he had a lot to lose. And maybe finding hope again.

El_Cadejo's avatar

It doesn’t answer the question, but this is far to amazing not to post here.

filmfann's avatar

@uberbatman That is excellent!

Sunny2's avatar

^^^ I agree!

SomeoneElse's avatar

@uberbatman That is amazing . . . way over my head, but amazing.

Sometimes I wonder if songs actually have some hidden deep meaning or they are just plucked from the mental ether and sound so good almost by accident.

ucme's avatar

Just a word on the Iran theory given in the wiki link, err, anyone ever heard of PR spin?
Give the locals a story relating to their history & ta-da…you sell more albums, kerching!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

Freddie was a legend!

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