@nerevars Welcome to Fluther, and thank you very much for being so open with us and asking this question with details.
I have bipolar disorder type 1, and it devastated my life. I was diagnosed 12 years ago. The change in my life was so extreme I lost my job, my house, my cars, and most importantly, my self-worth.
I felt worthless. American culture (and I don’t know if you’re an American) teaches us to be self-reliant and strong. I could no longer do that. I was forced to rely heavily on others: professional caregivers and medicine and more.
Bipolar mood swings are awful. The mania is debilitating in its loss of control over one’s decision making ability. The depression can be life threatening.
I wish this illness was easy to diagnose, but we cannot do it here on the Internet. We don’t know you. We are not trained professionals. You are very right to ask if you should seek out a psychiatrist, and the answer is an emphatic yes.
Your mood swings have led you to seek out information here, and that is a telling sign those swings are impacting your life enough to warrant finding better help.
Please, seek help.
If you have any further questions for me, you can send me a personal message.
This topic can be life threatening, thus I feel the need to address two posts on this thread.
@ItalianPrincess1217 You mentioned that you stopped taking your medicine, and the reason you gave was because you had tried many different combinations. I hope you have your doctor’s approval to stop taking the medicine. It’s quite a dangerous thing to do. It took me seven years to find the right combination. Stopping medication can lead to rapid cycling which is horrendous and leads to becoming almost entirely unable to function normally.
@drhat77 Your generalized description of mania is not helpful, and your attempt to diagnose is dangerous. No one here knows if @nerevars has bipolar disorder. Let’s answer the question about whether the OP should seek out professional help and leave it at that.