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Are independents smarter than the average person?
It just seems to me that when I ask a Republican or a Democrat a question they get defensive very quickly and they rarely have the capacity to stand their ground on issues that matter. I mean, why believe in something and not even know why? Or better still, why believe in an organization that clearly isn’t interested in your opinions?
I think it’s pretty clear that the main parties are doing their level best to cause as much damage to the country as possible. Here’s a crazy thought; Why not do what’s best for the people instead of a political addenda? Sure, there are crazies on both sides but most people are moderate in one way or another. If we could focus on them maybe we could chip away at the useless parties and make a difference!
Every Independent I’ve met seems to be on top of their game. They know where they stand and they know why. I find it’s easier to “convert” an educated person than it is to change the mind of someone just going with the political flow, as it were…
I’m not saying the others are dumb, just uninformed and polarized to the point of uselessness. Obama being stubborn about negotiations caused the Republicans to be stubborn about a shutdown. They’re both responsible you know, let’s be honest. As I’ve said before, equally useless. Do you really want to endorse one of them? Really?
In most cases, you can change your political party by filling out a new voter registration form and turning it in to your local clerk of court. I would reckon most libraries have this form readily available. Different jurisdictions do it differently but your local library would have that information on hand so give them a call and get it done.
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