Social Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

If I give you the answer, can you give me the question?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37818points) October 6th, 2013

“No! Just no,” stated with a hand shielding the eyes.

What’s the question?

Humor is greatly appreciated.

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31 Answers

KNOWITALL's avatar

Look at my junk & tell me what this is dude?

talljasperman's avatar

Is this infected?

Sunny2's avatar

Is that an asteroid coming towards us?

PhiNotPi's avatar

“If I give you the answer, can you give me the question?”

dxs's avatar

Just pull up anything from Answerbag and you’ll be good.

chyna's avatar

What is this green puss?

JLeslie's avatar

While driving home as the western sun hits directly in your face because the days are getting shorter and you realize the snow season is coming.

filmfann's avatar

Should I get this hemorrhoid pierced?

gailcalled's avatar

Are you really Alex Trebek?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Is it a bit of Skynyrd?

ZEPHYRA's avatar

“Honey, can my mum stay with us a couple of days?”

drhat77's avatar

cough, cough I’m wating for the doctor to call back cough do you think my test for SARS will be cough positive?
good catch, @gailcalled

gailcalled's avatar

Don’t you still know the difference between an answer and a question?

Coloma's avatar

“Soooo, do you want to hear the latest gossip in the hood?”

CWOTUS's avatar

Hey, dude, watch this. Are you watching now?

Sunny2's avatar

Didn’t I tell you there would be a train coming through the tunnel at 10 PM?

linguaphile's avatar

Can you come to my house for a party with some rural, unemployed Tea Party members?

glacial's avatar

Will you please just try Google Glass?

Kardamom's avatar

Would you mind if we played only Air Supply at our wedding reception?

My cousin and his first wife actually did this. I thought my ears were going to bleed out.

ragingloli's avatar

“Do you want me to lube you up before I fist you?”

YARNLADY's avatar

Have you ever seen a real mushroom cloud?

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

Do you want to see this porn with Slim Whitman and Lawrence Welk?

gailcalled's avatar

You mean Lawrence is nude under his bejeweled cape?

ucme's avatar

Finding myself stuck in a Fluther meet up…make it stop, purleeze!

rebbel's avatar

“Look what I got you for your fortieth birthday; a Bieber DVD!”

gailcalled's avatar

Why can’t I remember the difference between a question and an answer?

rojo's avatar

Hone, happy sixtieth! Oh, and by the way, I’m pregnant! Again.

glacial's avatar

@gailcalled I think they are taunting you. :)

Strauss's avatar

Are you sure?

rojo's avatar

Honey, do these pants make my butt look big?

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