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occ's avatar

What gift should I give in this situation?

Asked by occ (4182points) October 6th, 2013

Over the years I have become friendly with the two women who clean our office after-hours. I am one of the few people who works late, and one of the only people who speaks spanish, so I am one of the only people at work who knows them. They have worked in our office for almost 10 years but I don’t think almost anyone else even knows their names.

I have learned a bit about some of the difficulties they deal with, including working very long hours in multiple jobs. One of the women is about to go back to her home country to see her family for the first time in many years and she is very excited for the trip.

I wanted to buy her something simple for her trip. I don’t want to give her money because I think it would create a strange power dynamic. Trying to think of a small gesture so she knows all of her hard work is appreciated.


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13 Answers

ZEPHYRA's avatar

How about a nice photo frame where you could ask her to put a family photo?

Katniss's avatar

That’s so sweet.
It’s hard for me to give you a suggestion without knowing anything about her.
I enjoy candy, or stuff from Bath and Body Works. Maybe something like that?


Sunny2's avatar

A large box of Candy bars or other sweets made in country where you live. I was thinking of the US, but where ever you are, there are special treats which she can share with her family and friends.

Coloma's avatar

All of the above are good suggestions, but…I also don’t think some cash would cause any “strange power imbalance.”
Why not both? That’s what I would do. Some fun gift and a nice card with $50 or $100 in it, saying, treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting, you deserve it!”

I am not one that worries about power imbalances, I love to be as generous as I can when I am able. I absolutely believe in paying things forward, kudos to your thoughtfulness!

gailcalled's avatar

Edibles are nice but too quickly eaten; plus often candy bars do not travel well. Some pretty earrings or a long, multi-hued silk scarf that can be draped in different ways?

Pashmina in rainbow shades

Judi's avatar

Even a Starbucks gift card would be nice.

figbash's avatar

What about getting her a nice toiletry kit for her trip? Thoughtful, practical and it doesn’t have any monetary value attached to it. Fill it with a few small travel items (non-liquid) to make her trip easy or more comfortable.

Like some of these items

funkdaddy's avatar

I’d try to get some information from her if I could. I’d ask what she was going to miss most that they don’t have in her home country and try to find a way to make that happen.

Alternatively I’d get her something from your area to give to her family. If there’s a local food that travels well, or a small artistic item your town is known for, or photo postcards that aren’t too corny. I never think to take that stuff, but it gives people a better idea of where she actually lives and a place to start stories.

Either way I’d try to make it as personal as I could with the little information you have to go on.

YARNLADY's avatar

I suggest a picture type prepaid gift card. I have found you can put a personal picture on them to give to someone.

JLeslie's avatar

Two ways to look at it, something useful for her, or something she can give to her relatives.

I think you are right that straight cash in this situation is possibly innappropriate, although cash would be the most useful thing for her probably. If you give a gift card to Target with a card stating you want her to buy something special for her trip, then she knows your intent is to help her with the trip, and if she doesn’t really need anything she can just buy groceries with it. Assuming you have Target superstores where you live or something similar. I like gift cards to that type of store, because if the person needs nothing, they can always buy food. I hate having a gift card sit in my wallet for months.

If there is some way to find out what types of things they bring to their family from America (I assume you live in America) then buying more of that or a gift card to the store where those things can be bought would be helpful.

I like candy too, just be sure it is allowed to travel into her country if you buy it. Usually packaged food like candy isn’t a problem. My girlfriend brings back candies from Russia, I have brought candies from many places. But, what will matter is the rules for entry in her country.

In my experience there are very specific requests when people come back home from the US. My relatives rarely brought trinkets from America, but big time shopping items that they could not easily find in their home country. Or, they brought things they could sell. I don’t say this to discourage you from giving something not on the list though.

If it is difficult to come up with “American” things to send down with her, you could pick something that represents your city or state.

Remember if it is for her travels make it small and light. The airlines are charging like crazy for extra luggage and extra weight in luggage, and she might already be bringing a lot with her.

Is it a long flight? If so, you could maybe buy something that pampers on the flight. Blow up neck pillow, eye mask, Evian face spray, chapstick, travel toothbrush (there are little throw aways with toothpaste already on them) etc. You can put it in a gift bag, or if you want to spend more you can give it in a make-up/toiletry/travel bag. Although, international flights tend to have a lot of things already like pillows, blankets, and eye cover. Even if they do provide a lot of it, it is thoughtful I think. Many of those things can be used anyway, even if she doesn’t use it on the flight. I like practical gifts personally.

DWW25921's avatar

I’d go with PEZ dispensers and socks…

KNOWITALL's avatar

A spa certificate so she goes back looking & feeling beautiful.

DWW25921's avatar

@KNOWITALL Ooh… Nice… Ok, how about a spa certificate, PEZ dispensers and socks!

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