What political beliefs do you stand for?
Are you all for the Democratic Party or Republican Party? Irrelevantly, what is your opinion on the following text : “The growing number of newcomers of other countries threaten traditional American customs and values”.
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23 Answers
If I ever vote a party line I want someone to promise to shoot me as too stupid to live. And I love the newcomers.
My political belief is that we should allow everyone to express their political opinion without having some windbag telling us to shove our opinions up our asses because their opinion is correct. I can’t stand going on Facebook or any other social media, including here, and seeing all of the feuding and silly propaganda. I just saw this this morning: “Obama Putting Tarp over Mt Rushmore”. It showed two helicopters with a large tarp between them with Mt Rushmore in the background. Really?
As for newcomers from other countries “threatening our traditional American customs and values” I would have to say this has been happening since the beginning of this land. Just ask the American Indian. Frankly, I don’t see foreigners screwing up my customs and values. I welcome them with open arms. Especially those with sexy accents ; )
“The growing number of newcomers of other countries threaten traditional American customs and values”
far right, nationalistic, xenophobic garbage.
@ragingloli Why do you mention “far right”? I know more than a couple of liberals who have expressed fear of foreigners messing with their lifestyle. Xenophobia is not just reserved for conservatives.
Anyone all in agreement with one party is scary.
Growing number of people from other countries? That is what America is, people coming from other countries. Good God. People who say that need to be more specific about what people they are talking about, what countries of origin, and what changes they worry about. Just stating “newcomers” ignores the entire history of the United States of America. Not that I think I will agree with any of their concerns, but talking in the abstract about immigrants does nothing to address any real concerns.
I believe the children are our future.
I believe the sun shines on a rainy day.
I believe I can fly.
I don’t vote strictly Democratic as much as I am viscerally opposed to ever voting for a Republican ever again.
My political philosophy is based on the teachings of Jesus: Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, shelter the homeless, bring succor and healing to the sick. And because of that, I am politically liberal.
What exactly are ‘traditional American values’? Leave it to Beaver? Victorian middle class? Founding fathers’ freedom for all white men with money? Puritan, burn you at the stake if you float? Native spider and Raven worship?
Native Spider and Raven worship. The european invaders ruined everything.
I think the way to describe me is liberal socialist. I think the quote is stupid. American culture consists of newcomers.
Three different questions here:
1. What political beliefs do you stand for? I am going to interpret this as what beliefs have a heavy bearing on who I will vote for / what activism do I actively participate in, etc. I believe in upholding our civil rights and liberties, particularly free speech (against SOPA-style laws, most censorship, and silencing protests), GSRM rights, and pro-choice. Those are the key components of my beliefs and other key points of interest (such as economics) come after.
2. Which political party do you belong to? None. I am registered as an Independent voter.
3. What do you think of the following: “The growing number of newcomers of other countries threaten traditional American customs and values”? I just read a wonderful, older, article, called “The Way We Wish We Were”, which is about the myth of the “traditional” American family (namely that it does not exist and that many generations have nostalgia for the “old” way and feel threatened by “changes”.) I think the idea that traditional America is being threatened is complete bullshit and any fears of immigrants mucking things up is extremely xenophobic.
If you read Matthew 25: 31–46 in the Bible you will know the basis of my political beliefs
Far too many Republicans seem to have no moral compass (especially the Tea Party). I (personally) have problems with some of the decisions that have been made by President Obama. I am a registered Democrat & the Democrats have a number of really great representatives in Congress, Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Bernie Sanders, & Rep. Alan Grayson from Florida. Unfortunately, these really great Democratic representatives are getting their voices drowned out by the Tea Party Republicans.
“The growing number of newcomers of other countries threaten traditional American customs and values”. I think… DUH!!! Really? Go figure!
I am anti-republocrat.
I’m with Reps for so many reasons. What’s interesting about immigration is they just want the Am dream, too.
@KNOWITALL , you are slowly being drawn over to the dark side :-)
@Judi Both sides have good points. Obama’s votes almost make him a de facto Rep by now anyway lol.
@Seek_Kolinahr I too have a hard time figuring out what “traditional American values” are. You know, back in the day, when I wanted to bring the government to its knees, I was called a goddam longhaired liberal radical socialist pinko faggot and yet today, when they send people to Washington to do that very same thing that I was advocating they are patriotic, true conservative American heroes. What does that make me, someone who wants to preserve the status quo and perhaps even bring a little more compassion into government?
@Judi don’t tell her!
And, how come the goats always get the short end of the stick? I remember playing soccer when we used to say that if you were the goalie you were either the “hero” or the “goat” depending on what the final score was.
I honestly can’t the stand the political parties, but like most Americans, I have to accept it. The issue I most care about is gay rights, selfishly or not. Most political tests will put me somewhere in the middle, along with a lot of other Americans. But since we don’t really have anywhere to go, we pick the party closest. I don’t agree with Democrats on a lot of issues, but I do on most of the social issues and for the most part, that is what I care about more.
And I think that quote is a hollow and meaningless buzzphrase, and yes, like it or not, most characteristic of the right.
I am politically conservative. I believe in individual rights and responsiblility. I believe that the government should as small as possible and not be an integral part of my every day life. And government should operate within it’s means.
Immigration can and has historiically been good for the country. Unlimited immigration however can be disasterous. Immigrants need to be assimilated into the country rather than remaining separate with distinct subcultures. The Indians should be a good example for us. Thier culture was destroyed by unlimited imigration. We allow more than a million immigrants annually and legally. More than any other country in the world. Allowing much more than that will destroy our country. It simply too much to be assimilated into our society.
I am politically liberal leaning. I believe in individual rights and responsibilities. I believe that the government should as small as possible and not be an integral part of my every day life but I also feel there are some things that can be done better on a larger, government size scale. I believe that government should be an extension OF the people and that corporations are NOT people. I believe that things like social security, medicare, Medicaid, and the ACA are all programs that help provide a better life for all society and are required under the Constitution; to wit: ...provide for the general welfare…, I believe that Unions help put the working class on a little more even keel and help keep them from exploitation by the ruling class. I also feel government should operate within it’s means however, I do not believe this means a balanced budget, merely a carefully managed budget.
I believe that immigration is something that I we need to address but that addressing it does not mean militarizing the border, nor does it mean that we should allow unrestricted access. I do not believe that immigrants will destroy our society, modify it, yes but change is a constant and the society that we now enjoy is one that is based on the mixing and assimilation of many different cultures.
“Get the fuck out of my business unless things go to hell in a hand-basket.” So, essentially, Libertarian.
Reward the people who engage in decent hard work and ask for their solidarity with the less fortunate when things go well for them. That’s not socialism. That’s a social market economy.
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