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Pandora's avatar

So what is your theory, as to why the republicans want to shut down the government?

Asked by Pandora (32543points) October 7th, 2013

This whole shut down has me curious. I don’t believe them to really want to do something this crazy without a real goal in mind.

They are republican and most of them would never understand what it means to be poor, so I can’t see them wanting to tank their own investments, nor do they want to tank their careers.
So they have to have a way out of this already planned. Probably planned from the beginning and Ted Cruz was the designated sucker. It had to be him because his name is Cruz.
So this is my conspiracy theory.

This was their plan all along. This is what is going to happen. They are costing the government millions of dollars a day to include the stock market taking a hit. Then come, 2014 they are going to raise taxes on everyone except corporations and the rich, (because they are going to get money back from losing money on the stock exchange) so that they can get back on their feet.

They are going to blame Obama-care for the tax increase and the democrats for making this expensive venture pass. But the reality will be that all the monetary damage done was from the shut down. There plan is to make wanting Obama-care too expensive for the public to support and to find a way to give corporations and rich fat cats a large tax break.

So come 2014 the middle class will hate the higher taxes they are paying and the whole year will be a campaign by the republicans on how Obama-care is the cause of higher taxes and how we all will be paying them for years to come. It will all be because of the democrats but not the long lasting effect of the shut down. They get the middle class to vote for them next year because they will not be the ones mostly using Obama care and no matter what the reason, they can’t afford the higher taxes to go on since inflation will increase at the same time.

So what is your theory?

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33 Answers

DWW25921's avatar

Um… You know it’s Obama’s fault… Right? I mean, he refused to negotiate!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Honestly…it’s just a temper tantrum. These guys have egos that just don’t quit. They want to defund the ACA, Obama and congress said, “No,” has said it’s non negotiable for the last 3 years, so the Republican House is throwing a fit. That’s all there is to it.

DWW25921's avatar

Ok, to be fair, I can’t say it’s Obama’s fault. I mean clearly, both parties are inept. Yes, Obama is being a stubborn jerk but so are the Republocraps. They’re all useless.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Reps worry about the money, debt ceilings, etc.. Obama’s got all his eggs in the aca basket & he’s not budging.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@DWW25921 this is an interesting article.

After reading it, tell me just what you think Obama is being a “stubborn jerk” about?

@KNOWITALL What do you mean by Obama has “all his egss in the ACA basket?” The ACA was passed into law 3 years ago. Congress found it to be constitutional. It’s a done deal. He is NOT going to consider defending it, but that is what the Tea Party keeps demanding over and over and over again.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I liked the cartoon I saw last week. It was a republican tea party member holding a gun and saying “Defund Obamacare or the idiot gets it.” The gun was pointed at his head.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess Obama didn’t live up to his campaign promises & knows this is his only redemption.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Which ones did he not live up to? And what is his only redemption?

ucme's avatar

Let’s take a wild guess here, is it because they’re a bunch of self serving wankers?

DWW25921's avatar

@Dutchess_III One side blaming the other for mutual failure is just silly. When your kids are small do you teach them to take responsibility for their behavior or do you always by default just blame one kid because the other can do no wrong? That’s what this looks like from where I’m at. It’s a ridiculous and naive notion.

glacial's avatar

It’s meaningless bluster that appeals to their voting base. Too bad it will have the side effect of completely fucking up your economy while it’s still trying to recover.

From the outside, it looks like the inmates are running the asylum. Get it together, USA!

Dutchess_III's avatar

@DWW25921 There is only one (1) point of contention. One. That one point is not negotiable and hasn’t been since it was signed into law. Period.

There is nothing to negotiate about.

I teach my kids to compromise, if possible, but to stick to their guns if they’re right. Obama is right in this case. The ACA, the one point of contention here, is something the majority of Americans want.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dutchess Gitmo’s open, he voted for Patriot Act a few times. ACA is one thing he can say he stood up for.

DWW25921's avatar

@Dutchess_III It’s not the government’s job to mandate healthcare and to impose a “tax” or “fee” or whatever you want to call it. It sets a bad precedent and it’s simply not how it should be handled. That’s not how the country was set up. It’s up to the states. Matters of welfare and personal issues are not the Governments problem. If Obama wanted all Americans to have healthcare he should have made a law that the states need to figure it out. Or, he could try to draft a new constitution.

glacial's avatar

@DWW25921 “Or, he could try to draft a new constitution.”

Why, if the existing constitution already upheld the ACA?

Dutchess_III's avatar

When the country was “set up” there was no such thing as “health care,” or “insurance.” Times have changed, we need to change with it.

To a large extent,DWW25921, he DID make a law that gave the states control over their jurisdiction in this regard. He offered billions in subsidies to encourage states to expand their medicare. It would have cost the states virtually nothing.

20 states, and Kansas is among them, refused the subsidies and those people are going to be SOL. But that is because of their governors, NOT Obama. Why they refused it is unfathomable to me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@KNOWITALL You need to look at @glacial‘s link! Very nice.

rojo's avatar

Ok, I saw this last week, and it may have even been on this site, I don’t recall. But I liked it.

R: Can I burn down the house?
D: No.
R: Can I just burn the second floor?
D: No.
R: What about the garage?
D: No.
R: Well, can we talk about what I can burn down?
D: No.

gorillapaws's avatar

It makes the government look foolish, which is exactly what they want. When people loose faith in the government they don’t vote which gives them a major advantage as they are a minority party now, clinging onto power with jerrymandering and initiatives designed to disenfranchise those unlikely to vote for them. Also because people like @DWW25921 can’t appreciate the logic of @rojo, people tend to want to blame both sides for the mess. The press has to seem “neutral” so they present false balance, but this is unarguably the case of a party who has the minority in the senate and no one in the executive demanding the country do what they want or else they will ruin the country. It’s like political terrorism.

Dutchess_III's avatar

If their aim to get people to NOT vote, it backfired as far as me and mine are concerned. I’ll be out there voting for offices I’ve never voted for, like governor, the first chance I get. I’ll put the the screws to my kids too.

gondwanalon's avatar

Well, I think that House Republicans are making a huge mistake. I’m a Republican and I’m embarrassed with the Republican initiated government shutdown and the crazy theatrics. Such actions will not help Republicans in the next elections. Republicans should just fund Obamacare and stand back and behold the impending train wreck.

Obamacare is law. For Democrats, it’s their historic achievement. It’s their highway to national health care. It passed the House. It passed the Senate. Signed by the president and Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality. They own it and no matter what happens are not going to give it up. If there are problems with it then it then it is up to Congress to correct them. If Obamacare is so terrible that it can’t be saved then as Charles Krauthammer said “It could collapse on its own.” If that happens then Obama and the Democrats will get the blame for the mess and the Republicans could gain in future elections.

But who am I to make predictions on such matters. Que sera, sera.

rojo's avatar

@gondwanalon you would be out of place here in Texas.

Most of the Republicans I hear discussing or writing into the opinions page are more of the “Hell yeah, Shut that som’bitch down. That’s what we sent ‘em up their for! 98% of all ‘Real ‘Mericans’ are against that satanic, socialistic Obamacare anyway! An’ screw the damned Chinks, they shouldn’t have lent us money in the first place! This’ll teach them and them godless liberals a lesson they won’t soon forget! Whoo-Hoo! Don’t Tread on Me!! Come an’git it if ya dare!”

rojo's avatar

Remember in the next election:

Those who stir up the shit should have to lick the spoon.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Rojo That made me laugh out loud!

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

If the Republicans shut down the government on purpose, it is for three things:
<A> Blame it on Obama
<B> Blame it on Obama
<C> Blame it on Obama

rojo's avatar

Just throwing this out there but what if it is all a grand ploy to distract the American citizen from the revelations of Edward Snowden and the discourse we as a nation should be having on the massive Government spying and data collection on its own citizens?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Because…they’re only spying on people when the people are distracted by a shut down government and they’ll stop when it comes back up?

rojo's avatar

It is not the spying it the public discussion over what we as citizens will allow and who we need to hold accountable for what they have and will do.

Dutchess_III's avatar

But there’s plenty of time for that. Talks will resume as soon as this crap is over.

mattbrowne's avatar

The Tea Party motto is our way or no way. Suicide is seen as the better option than losing a political argument.

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