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Dutchess_III's avatar

Why isn't the sound on some videos working?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) October 7th, 2013

This started a couple of days ago. I’ve noticed some videos don’t have sound on my computer, and some do.

This one does have sound (not interested in BigFoot people! Just clicking on random videos so you can see a pattern, if there is one!

This YouTube Video does not (but it has in the past.)

This video from UpWorthy, posted via fb, does not have sound either.

This one from ABC news,does.

I’m not adjusting anything anywhere inbetween finding these videos.

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2 Answers

Kardamom's avatar

I can’t say for sure, but I was having problems with no sound on Youtube videos 2 days ago, whereas my Netflix sound was just fine. I tried fiddling with the volume on my computer and that didn’t fix the Youtube videos. But I checked the “help” section and they said you might just need to adjust the little audio thingee on the Youtube window itself. It’s in the bottom left hand corner, right below where the video box is, under the status thermometer (the thingee that goes across the bottom of the screen when the video is playing. The icon looks just like the speaker icon that is on my PC. If it’s not that, then you may have to get an updated version of Flash.

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