Social Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Did you go through a mid-life crisis? If so, tell us about it?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) October 8th, 2013

As asked.

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9 Answers

zenvelo's avatar

My crisis wasn’t about mid-life, it was about a failing abusive marriage. But people that only know me on a surface basis attribute it to some age related thing. Especially since I have taken steps to get healthy, lose weight, and get fit. It’s as if people view an effort to improve one’s life as a response to some vague unease with aging.

janbb's avatar

My crisis has also been based on my marriage falling apart and my children living at a great distance. It has made me have to rebuild my life from the ground up.

@Mama_Cakes You seem to have been in one crisis or another ever since you have been here. I wouldn’t put it on something nebulous like mid-life crisis. Maybe if you can move in some of the directions you have talked about, you won’t feel so anxious.

Coloma's avatar

I just answered this type of Q. recently. The short version is much like @zenvelo
My mid-life “crisis” was precipitated by leaving a long term dysfunctional/abusive marriage as well. Best thing I ever did. Rocked my world but was worth every moment of hell and then some. :-)

oneSasyRN's avatar

I’m not sure if I had a mid-life crisis..or if I just grew out of the life I was in….I was married 20 years to the father of my 4 kids…I worked, went to school full time, raised the kids myself, paid the bills, basically “wore the pants”. I lived three hours away from my family for 22 years, I was tired of it. Not to mention he had had numerous flings, while I was the devoted wife and Sunday School teaching mother. Yep….if that’s a mid-life crisis, I guess after I graduated college and landed a full time job in my home town, I bought my own home there and my kids and I left. Mid-life crisis? I don’t know…more like doing what I was doing, only supporting one less…..

serenade's avatar

I went through a life altering change, but it wasn’t a crisis because I never invested in anything. No marriage, no kids, no pets, no career, no wealth. So, it’s an awakening that I’m going through that’s free to develop without too many attachments or too much drama.

rojo's avatar

No, not that I know of. Still married to the same woman (I used to apologize to my kids when they were in HS because they only had two parents while everyone else seemed to have three or four) I met in college. Never felt the need to run around (didn’t mind looking though but she would point out cute ones to me so she didn’t mind me looking either). Never felt the need for fancy sports cars or motorcycles. I have bought two new vehicles in my life and swore after each one that I would never do it again. Ha.
Had a rough spot with my job once in my early 40’s but I put that down to burnout. I quit and went into business with a partner but it was in the same field. The difference was that I got to actually see the product both during construction and in the final form and that made all the difference.
I guess I still have time for one though, if I plan on living to 118.

JLeslie's avatar

Going through one now. Tremendous regret. Feeling depressed, trying to get out of my paralysis. I’m actually doing some things that are totally pointless (I don’t want to get into details) just so I can say I did them, even though it is basically too late, the time to do it was 10 years ago. It’s very mixed for me, I have a lot of good in my life., but I have been crying a lot lately.

antimatter's avatar

I had a rude awaking two years ago when my wife left me for my friend and business partner.
They worked me out of my own company including my possessions and when I had to move in with my mother again with nothing to my name and unemployed and the big CRISIS hit me a month ago when I realized my fortieth birthday is a few months away in December and as a forty year old man is now living with his mother driving her twenty year old Mercedes!
I still feel the pain trying to scrape a new life together as a manager at a wholesaler working a twelve hour shift.
But to add to my CRISIS I am very unfit and out of shape! (Let’s not mention the grey hair!)

mazingerz88's avatar

Knowing that I’ll be dead soon sucks. I detest being mortal.

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