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Mama_Cakes's avatar

Thoughts on these two t-shirts (NSFW)

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) October 8th, 2013

Can’t say I would ever wear the first one.

T-shirt 1

T-shirt 2

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21 Answers

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

My answer can be found in the details.

Headhurts's avatar

The second one is really cute, I would weat that.

tinyfaery's avatar

The second one is ok. The first? Oy.

livelaughlove21's avatar

I wouldn’t wear either one. Ever.

syz's avatar

Um, no.

Seek's avatar

The first gets a straight up ‘dafuq?’

The second is just false advertisement. My stomach is no where near that toned.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Haha. I didn’t think y’all would wear them. Really, neither would I. My partner said about no. 2 “I’d want the real thing”..

Sueanne_Tremendous's avatar

I am in the “No Way” camp on both. However, not so many years ago, I may have attempted number two.

gailcalled's avatar

Not my thing.

Berserker's avatar

The second one needs a torn open stomach with guts hanging out. Then I’d wear it.

FutureMemory's avatar

I’d wear the first one the next time I go to court.

edit: Oh man, is it worse with a male model? There’s a blonde guy wearing it as well.

wildpotato's avatar

@Symbeline You should read John Varley’s Gaea trilogy, if you haven’t already.

ucme's avatar

Both are trying way too hard, me no likey.

glacial's avatar

I can’t imagine why they’re in the “Sale” section.

Also… someone appears to have reviewed the first shirt on the AA site, but I can’t access it. Points to the jelly who can dig it out, and more points to jellies who leave more reviews. :)

Sunny2's avatar

I don’t see anything attractive or cute or funny about them. Are they for shock value?
I pass.

Katniss's avatar

My thought? TACKY
I really cannot imagine anybody spending $32 on either one of those. Especially the first one. Ugh!

crushingandreaming's avatar

I would never ever wear either, You call that fashion? It’s not okay.

AshLeigh's avatar

It’s obviously not about being “fashionable”
The only problem I see with these shirts is that they’re inappropriate for children to see, so you wouldn’t be able to wear them in public. People would get offended.

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