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talljasperman's avatar

What future or present computer hardware inovations bring you awe and wonder?

Asked by talljasperman (21924points) October 8th, 2013

I like that cosmos is coming back and I would like to have that feeling of awe and wonder in futuristic star trek like computing , the singularity, peta-bytes. What makes you wonder?

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10 Answers

jerv's avatar

Wireless mesh networking; no more vulnerable centralized structures that could bring down the entire network.

talljasperman's avatar

@jerv I hope Skynet doesn’t heat about this.

DWW25921's avatar

A few years ago I bought a fancy disk burner for my computer… Not rendered obsolete. I mean, there are so many ways to store information now… I can fit more than an entire disk on a small stick drive…

johnpowell's avatar

I’m looking forward to widespread adoption of the Oculus Rift. I’m not a gamer but I think it would be awesome for things like 3d modelling applications. And even things like being able to walk around in virtual museums and google earth.

Pachy's avatar

A desktop or laptop computer that responds seamlessly to voice commands like the one on the Enterprise (but not the one on Discovery One).

mattbrowne's avatar

Future 3D haptic full-body haptic suit, allowing us to walk on Mars or have sex with our wife when away for business travel.

jerv's avatar

@mattbrowne Why bother with that when you can go for a datajack (a.k.a. Direct Neural Interface) and trigger the sensory sensors of the brain while bypassing the nerves? A ‘trode net can do the same thing, but it’s “muddier” and lower resolution. You’ve obviously never read/seen any Cyberpunk if you don’t know about simsense!

mattbrowne's avatar

@jerv – That’s the subsequent major version, which requires fully decoding the brain’s neural language. Some people will prefer haptic full-body haptic suit over implanted brain chips, won’t they?

jerv's avatar

@mattbrowne Given that some people prefer horses over cars, and bleedings over medical science, yes. There will always be a retro contingent of xenophobes. That said, haptics will come first merely as it requires less technology and fewer breakthroughs. Then again, neural research would benefit prosthetics greatly, so there is more of a push in that direction. Haptics cannot cure blindness.

mattbrowne's avatar

@jerv – I’m all for brain chips for blind people. But it will take a long time for healthy people to accept merging with hardware, transhumanists excluded.

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