Social Question

tedibear's avatar

May I ask for good wishes and paw prayers for our cat, Rishy?

Asked by tedibear (19419points) October 9th, 2013

Our 18 year old cat, Rishy, has a kidney infection. He is already at 40% kidney function, so this is not going to help anything. He is also on a steroid for a different issue, from which we have to wean him while he is on the antibiotic. He has been a great cat and I just want him to feel better.

Whatever good thoughts you can send his way, we would appreciate.

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56 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Good luck Rishy. Here’s hopes you feel better and a prayer for you and your family. Best Wishes @tedibear

Pooh54's avatar

Get Well Soon, Rishy. Abbott & Costello wish you a speedy & purrfect recovery. :)

Katniss's avatar

Get well soon, Rishy!!
I’m so sorry your kitty is sick @tedibear

janbb's avatar

Frodo says: Even though you are a kitty, I wish you well.

anniereborn's avatar

Hugs and Prayers Rishy

picante's avatar

This squishy has warm wishes for Rishy!

Seek's avatar

Schrödinger here – Hang in there old man.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Good luck Rishy.

gailcalled's avatar

Milo here: I’ve got the really big cats outside beating on drums, waving sage wands and roaring to the firmamen for a painfree resolution for your beloved Rishy.

AshLeigh's avatar

Get well soon Rishy! Love that name, by the way.

Coloma's avatar

The west coast cats here ” Mia & Myles” send good, purring vibrations to Rishy!

gailcalled's avatar

edit: firmament

janbb's avatar

@gailcalled I forebore in deference to your knees.

jca's avatar

Awww Rishy. I wish you a relatively pain-free recovery and many happy thoughts and warm blankets!

tedibear's avatar

Thank you all so very much. I spoke with the vet a bit ago. He has a supplement (Azudiol is what I think he said.) that is supposed to help with his BUN and creatinine levels. This should help with his kidney function.

I know he’ll never be the same as he was years ago, but I still want him to be more comfortable than he is now.

@AshLeigh It’s a nickname for “Licorice.” My husband named him that years ago, but shortened it to Rishy almost right away.

AshLeigh's avatar

@tedibear, it’s super cute. My cats name is Cyanide. I actually just dropped him off at the vet, to get neutered. Poor guy.

Kardamom's avatar

Just love him and pet him gently, and talk kitty talk to him. Make him as comfortable as possible. We love you Rishy.

dxs's avatar

Milo wishes everything well for Rishy.

chyna's avatar

Jessie, although a dog, is sending paw prayers and slurps to Rishy.

deni's avatar

I will keep the old baby in my thoughts. I hope he feels better soon.

ETpro's avatar

I send my wishes for a speedy recovery for Rishy, and if that cannot be, then an easy and painless end.

Pachy's avatar

For Rishy and you, @tedibear

If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
and pain should keep me from my sleep,
then you must do what must be done,
for we know this last battle can’t be won.

You will be sad, I understand,
but don’t let grief then stay your hand,
for this day, more than the rest,
your love and friendship must stand the test.

We’ve had so many happy years,
what is to come can hold no fears.
Would you want me to suffer? So,
when the time comes, please let me go.

Take me where my needs they’ll tend,
only stay with me until the end,
and hold me firm and speak to me,
until my eyes no longer see.

It is a kindness that you do to me,
although my tail it’s last has waved,
from pain and suffering I have been saved.

Do not grieve, it should be you,
who must decide this thing to do.
We’ve been so close, we two these years,
Don’t let your heart hold any tears.

by Julia Napier

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Taht had me in tears at 8:30 in the morning. I had to hug Frodo. So much loss in the world!

Pooh54's avatar

just how I wanted to start the day——in a puddle of tears at my desk—thanks anyway. It was beautiful.

tedibear's avatar

Good news – He is feeling better! That infection must be what knocked him out so badly. It’s amazing how quickly an antibiotic can work. I came home last night and he wasn’t laying around sleeping, which has been the norm. He wasn’t playing, but at least was up of his own accord, eating and drinking.

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room – That is beautiful! Thank you for sharing. I’m now going to mop up my tears and get back to work.

Thank you all for your help and kindness. Fluther rocks!

janbb's avatar

@tedibear That’s so great! Our furry friends are so important.

gailcalled's avatar

@tedibear. That is really cheering news. You never know when the dice are loaded in the right way.I see that Milo is reaching for a tissue even though he is pretending it is just allergies.

Pachy's avatar

Purr-fect news, @tedibear!

Pooh54's avatar

wonderful news. so happy for you!!

Kardamom's avatar

Freeeeernt! Cat kisses all around!

Dutchess_III's avatar

How’s he doing today?

tedibear's avatar

@Dutchess_III – still well. He grumbled at me this morning when I got off the couch. That’s a sign that he’s getting back to normal. :)

Dutchess_III's avatar

My cat unraveled a whole roll of toilet paper this morning, and put streamers all around house in Rishy’s honor. I wouldn’t let him bring in the dead mouse to set the whole thing off, though.

tedibear's avatar

Sigh. Evidently, his kidney function is worse than we thought. The vet is saying there’s really not much more we can do. He also has arthritis in his spine – which we suspected – and that is making it hard for him to get around. Even with the steps onto the couch, we have to help him up. We are doing a course of laser treatments to reduce the inflammation because if these are his last days with us, we want him to have as little pain as possible.

Unfortunately, I think we need to make the big decision for him soon, if he doesn’t pass on his own. He has slowed way down. He’s eating, drinking and sleeping, but that’s about it. I hate this.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@tedibear Look into his eyes. He’ll tell you when it’s time. I’m so sorry for all of you guys.

janbb's avatar

@tedibear My son had to put his dog to sleep this summer. He said in the two hours that they brought him home for after getting the bad news, he could see a different look in Merlin’s fine eyes.

Pooh54's avatar

Letting go of a friend is one of the most selfless things you can do. Please don’t wait unless there is hope for a recovery. He may not act it but he might be suffering. Don’t let him suffer. I waited too long when I took Scratch in, she could barely walk and selfishly I wanted to hold on as long as possible. It was the worse decision of my life and I swore I would never do that again. Think about what is best for him and let him go with dignity. Don’t let your last memories of him be seeing him suffer. Tell him to say hi to Scratch and Pockets for me. I love and miss them terribly. My sincere sympathies to you and your family. You are all in my prayers.

tedibear's avatar

@All – Yes, that’s the plan. He’s still there, just listless. As you say, we’ll know. And we will not let him suffer. Our vet is out of town all week, but I have called our alternate vet just in case.

Katniss's avatar

I’m so sorry :0(
My fiancé and I lost our cat Joey last March.
It’s hard and it sucks, and now I’m crying.

Big ((((hugs)))) @tedibear

gailcalled's avatar

@tedibear: I have alerted my daughters cats (RIP), Porch Kitty and Leo, to prepare a fish fry for Rishy. Scratch and Pockets are also on the guest list.

Not much solace, I know. We all hate it. My heart aches for you and him.

Seek's avatar

Ol’ Bub will be sniffing around the barbecue, wondering if he can come party with the kitties, as well. He’ll be bringing the beer.

gailcalled's avatar

edit: daughter’s.

@Seek_Kolinahr: Send Bub an angel-o-gram with the recipe for Cat’s Paw Brown Ale enclosed. I bet Rishy will love it.

chyna's avatar

@tedibear Sorry if you have already said, but I can’t find it, which kitty in your avatar is Rishy?
I’ve had to put two dogs down and it really hurts. My heart goes out to you.

tedibear's avatar

@chyna – No, I haven’t said, so no worries. Rishy is the black cat on the left. Cloudy is the grey long-haired cat on the right. She died in March from, the vet believes, stomach cancer. Losing one fur-baby was hard, two seems almost too much to take.

Thank you, all of you, for your kindness and caring. We will let you know what happens.

ETpro's avatar

I just went through this with my beloved cat, Spoony. She knew when it was here time, and she slowly slipped away with great dignity and without excruciating pain. I can only wish your Rishy the same when the time comes.

Dutchess_III's avatar

This is so sad.

Pooh54's avatar

I wish I had a magic wand to whisp away Rishy’s trouble and be a young kit again. Sorry for your pain.

tedibear's avatar

We let Rishy go today. He declined rapidly over the weekend. He was no longer eating, drinking or using the litter box. He couldn’t really use hind legs. We gave him lots of cuddles and love and time, then took him to our dear vet this morning. It was quiet and peaceful.

Thank you all for your kindness and caring.

janbb's avatar

@tedibear It’s amazing how lovingly a good vet handles it. I feel for your loss.

Katniss's avatar

@tedibear I am so sorry :0( I know how bad it hurts.


Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@tedibear Oh shit lady, I’m so so sorry. Keep the good memories any way you can. You gave Rishy the best that anyone can ever ask for or want.

Kardamom's avatar

@tedibear I’m so sorry about your Rishy. He gave you so much love and happiness, and you did the same for him. Did you just feel your heart get bigger? That is because Rishy is now occupying a space right there, so you can carry him with you forever.

For Rishy

chyna's avatar


Pooh54's avatar

My condolences for your loss. I am sure Rishy is happy that you were kind enough to let him go. He will always be there to watch over you as he romps painfree in his new place. You were so good to him. I am sure he loved you as much as you loved him.
((((BIG HUGS))))

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